Chapter 40 - Retaliation

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After Chaos Street finally finished its pre-production activities, the time was already twilight.

Qiu Qian threw on his jacket and stood up from his chair. He was immediately surrounded by a crowd of microphones. Because of the host's tantrum from before, no one dared to make any movements until the activities on stage had finished. Right now it was finally completed so they naturally rushed over.

Under the "pa-cha-pa-cha" of the flashing lights, the reporters all thrust their microphones forward and began asking their questions.

"Mr Qiu why did you appear here today! Was your schedule already decided in advance!?"

"Mr Su went over to Total Entertainment very early, does Mr Qiu know? Are you deliberately trying to avoid him!?"

"Can you tell us why Total Entertainment terminated Mr Su's contract. Mr Qiu can you give us an explanation!?"

"And why have you also terminated all working relationship!? What has Mr Su done wrong!? Is the situation so serious!?"

"Doesn't Mr Qiu and Mr Su have a personal friendship!? Isn't treating him this way damaging the friendship!?"

"At the end-of-year party earlier, the people in your company reported that the two of you seemed very close. Was that just an act?"

The microphones surrounding him were close to knocking Qiu Qian on the chin. However Qiu Qian maintained a relaxed stance. He said as though he had no idea, "Su Quan came to the company today? Oh, it's probably to go and pack his things ba."

These words sent the reporters into a frenzy! Finally they had found a person willing to talk about this matter!!

At this time the cameras broadcasting the opening ceremony live had also been turned around and was now focused directly on Qiu Qian.

"So Mr Qiu didn't know that Mr Su came by today!? No one told you!? This isn't logical Mr Qiu!"

"Can you please let us know the reason for the termination!! Mr Qiu can you let us know the details ah!?"

"Also what is the amount of damages that Total Entertainment has to pay to Mr Su!? Can I ask if it's more than ten million yuan?!"

"Total Entertainment has many artists signed under its label. Mr Qiu do you think that this a manner of ending the contract will impact them in some way!?"

"There's been some rumors that Total Entertainment is planning to close down!! Mr Qiu do you have any opinions on these rumors!?"

"Is it because Mr Su has some kind of medical condition ah!? His manager said he's taking time off to recuperate, could it be–"

"Ai, you guys need to slow down so people can reply. I still need to go to the next venue ah."

The last sentence was not said loudly however because of all the microphones, it was still heard very clearly.

The reporters all turned their head and saw that outside the throng of reporters, Sun XiBin was standing with his head straining up to see over them.

When he saw all the gazes turning to him, Sun XiBin seemed to realize his mistake. "What are you looking at me for, I also have the right to know ah."

His manager had completely given up trying to keep a lid on Sun XiBin this gossip monger. He had instead chosen to go and make his greetings to the director.

Qiu Qian laughed and said, "It's only been one day and already the rumor mill has gone crazy. You guys are really capable. Okay, I'll say it once and say it clearly." After he spoke he stepped forward and began to walk away, completely ignoring if there was anyone in his way.

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