Chapter 39 - Chaos Street Starts Filming

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The news that Total Entertainment had terminated its contract with Su Quan exploded into the entertainment world like a bomb. As for Su Quan's manager Luo ZhenAn, he was someone that Su Quan had brought with him to Total Entertainment. So when Su Quan's contract was terminated, Luo ZhenAn was also fired at the same time by Total Entertainment.

Not only that but Total Entertainment had also announced at the same time that it was terminating all working relationship with Su Quan.

This meant that all the work that Total Entertainment had accepted for Su Quan as a sponsor would either need to be renegotiated to a new artist or would be cancelled. Total Entertainment's huge action also affected Su Quan's image deeply. Especially because the reason for the termination was not specified.

Thus that morning a huge amount of reporters surrounded Luo ZhenAn's first floor apartment. This was because Su Quan lived in a freestanding villa which was a huge mansion that came with a garden. It was very difficult for the reporters to be able to box him in.

So right now Luo ZhenAn was panicking and pacing in his living room while on the phone.

"What the hell is going on!? Ah Quan, has Boss Qiu gone mad!? How come I didn't get a single bit of news! Or is this something to do with Boss Hong, did he directly place pressure onto Total Entertainment!?"

From the other end of the phone there was only silence.

"If something happened then I'm begging you to let me know! That way I can have some kind of emotional preparation! It's insane that me, the manager, has to find out the news from the newspaper!! Just then Fang Hua called. She didn't give a single reason, just said that the company would adhere to the contract and pay the contractual damages and that the money would arrive within 3 days! Does this mean everything is set and can't be turned around!?" Luo ZhenAn was in an extreme state of anger and panic. "Isn't your relationship with Boss Qiu good, what on earth happened ah!?"

"Go and check Chaos Street, see if anything happened over there. Especially check to see if anyone has had an accident."

Finally Luo ZhenAn heard Su Quan's voice from the phone. The voice was still very calm.

"Chaos Street!? Right now you still have time to think about Chaos Street!?" Luo ZhenAn was so flustered he couldn't suppress his voice. "Your management contract has been terminated and no reason was given! It's pretty much like being chucked out on the street! Everyone is waiting, we need to think about to deal with-"

"Don't waste my time. I told you to go check so go check!" Su Quan's voice suddenly became stern. "I need to know the facts so go right now! I want your response by midday."

"What!? Then what about all these reporters?" Luo ZhenAn couldn't control his anger at being told off at a time like this. "Why the hell do I feel like I'm blind here! How the hell am I supposed to find out?"

"Are you the manager or am I?" Su Quan spoke impatiently. "Even this kind of thing I have to help you with?"

In his heart, Luo ZhenAn swore "fuck!" However he swallowed the word and said, "Okay, I'll just explain that you're not feeling well right now and will rest at home for a few days. For the time being there will be no comment. You also shouldn't pick up the phone. However this kind of situation can't be maintained for long. We need to have a legitimate explanation by tomorrow so no matter what tonight you have to give be an answer and explain to me until I understand–"

At this time Luo ZhenAn was hung up on. He also didn't have time to pursue this any longer. With an ugly expression he wiped his face and then turned to his phone and began a flurry of calls. After all he didn't climb up to being the film emperor's manager by being a vegetarian.

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