Chapter 5 - Diamond Watch

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"What did you say!?!" Mother Bai's face changed. Even her voice changed. "This is all we have!!"

"If we sell the house, then where will we and you brother live!? You, you, you you actually dare tell us to sell the house!? I just knew your motives weren't good!! Now that your famous you want to throw away your old father and mother!! Ah!? You're so cruel!! I, I, how did I give birth to a wretch like you!!"

Father Bai saw that Mother Bai's curses were becoming more and more fierce and hurried to stop her. "Stop talking so much. Ah Lang didn't mean it like that."

Father Bai turned to Bai Lang and said in a persuading manner, "Ah Lang, we can't sell the house ah. These years the price of houses has been rising like crazy. If we sell, we can't find another one this good that's also upstairs and downstairs, two levels. How can we live so comfortably ah? You need to lend us the money...."

"Then why don't you mortgage the house?" Bai Lang asked calmly. "You can repay the five million slowly. It would be better than taking it all out in one go. If in the beginning, older brother finds repaying the mortgage difficult, then I should be able to help him."

After speaking like this, there appeared a hesitant and unsure expression on Father Bai's face.

"But what if we can't repay it!?" Mother Bai saw his attitude and immediately rushed to interrupt. "What if you abandon us and don't help us!? How can you promise that we'll be able to keep up the repayments! If you dare touch the house then I'll fight you to the death!!" Mother Bai slapped the table and stared viciously at Father Bai to warn him.

Father Bai who had a weak personality didn't dare to cross Mother Bai. he could only turn his head to beg Bai Lang for help. When he met Bai Lang's calm and measured gaze, he finally couldn't open his mouth. Because if they continued in this manner, they would be forcing Bai Lang to lend them the money but at the same time being unwilling to sell the house, not even one of the two. The reality of the matter was becoming more and more clear.

Bai Li saw the situation wasn't right and he also interrupted, "Little brother. I know you're unhappy regarding the situation with the house, but think about it, haven't father and mother taken good care of you ah? From the moment you started working to right now, have they asked you for money? Right now to nitpick about this kind of thing, isn't that being very cold hearted?"

"Also, right now the fact that I'm in this kind of urgent situation, isn't it also for you? Think about it, if news about this kind of thing leaks out, then wouldn't your image that you built up with such hard work be all wasted? Money is just a momentary thing, but only with reputation can you earn more money. You should be more clear about this kind of thing than me right ah?!" By the end Bai Li's words carried with it the hint of a threat.

Bai Lang looked at Bai Li. His gaze was cold. Towards Bai Li, Bai Lang didn't need to be polite. He reached into his pocket and took out his bank card and with a "pa!" sound slapped it onto the low table. "You can go and check how much money is inside. I only just finished repaying the 400,000 I borrowed for you before. You should be more clear about this kind of thing than me. All the money for taking care of mother and father has pretty much all be spent on you."

Bai Li's face was extremely ugly. ".... So what you're saying is, you're really going to watch me die is that it?"

"If you don't have money then you can borrow it ah!! If the bank won't lend you, then can't the company do it?" Mother Bai continued to cry and yell on the top of her lungs. "Aiyo!! Old man, look at this heartless child you've raised!! Doesn't even want to help his own mother, father and brother!! Back then, why did we even raise a second one!! If we aborted then we could have saved ourselves so much trouble ah!!"

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