Chapter 32 - Two Business Cards

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If Bai Lang was able to hear this subtle meaning then there was no reason that Qiu Qian couldn't hear it as well.

Qiu Qian immediately grabbed Bai Lang's hand and held it within his in an exaggerated motion. "Hey don't provoke our relationship okay? Otherwise tonight I won't be able to enter the bedroom, I'll be very pitiful."

The two people laughed together. However just Bai Lang could tell Su Quan's intent to provoke was true and not a joke, then Qiu Qian's reproach was also not fake.

The two other people Wang Yun and Lin GongCheng could see the situation too. They didn't look very surprised by Su Quan's behavior however they looked at Bai Lang with more curiosity.

After being reprimanded by Qiu Qian, Su Quan lightly shrugged. "The truth is the truth, the rest of us are all very envious and you won't even let us talk about it?" It was though if he took out the identity of an "old friend" then all words that shouldn't be spoken would be easily forgiven.

Qiu Qian glanced at Su Quan with a vague smile on his face. He held Bai Lang's hand, the ten fingers intertwined, and gave him a big kiss on the back of his hand.

"Alright then, in the future I have no choice but to let you guys keep being envious."

Su Quan pretended to sigh loudly as though he couldn't tolerate it any longer. "Look at you, tsk tsk."

Everything appeared to return to friendliness as though the exchange before hadn't happened.

Wang Yun, who was sitting to one side, seemed to confirm something in his mind. He took out his business card to change the topic.

"Just now the introduction wasn't complete. I'm Wang Yun, this is my business card. It's an honor to meet you. If you need anything you can give me a call on the number on the card."

Introducing yourself and giving a business card wasn't special however Wang Yun's next sentence about calling him at any time seemed to be acknowledging Bai Lang and Qiu Qian's relationship. He also seemed to be trying to conciliate Su Quan's previous behaviour.

Bai Lang thus looked at Wang Yun again and happened to see Wang Yun's expression when he threw a quick glance at Qiu Qian. He lowered his eyes and as though he didn't see anything, accepted the business card with his thanks.

Lin GongCheng saw what was happening and hurried to give his business card too. His attitude also become a lot more friendly.

"Oh, Old Qiu says you work together with Xiao Hua. In the future I'll be troubling you to take care of her ah. If you see flowers or fruit or any type of those things on Xiao Hua's table, you need to tell me at once." After he gave his business card he also took out his mobile phone. "What's your phone number? I'll send you mine so you can save it."

This speed of getting close made Bai Lang freeze slightly. Qiu Qian laughed as he said, "Give it to him ba. This fellow is pretty useful. He owns a security company. If you run into a stalker or a hacker, you can look for him."

"No problem, no problem, let's take care of each other." Lin GongCheng nodded his head vigorously. "But Old Qiu tells me that you have Er Hong following you. He can take care of most things beautifully. He's trained at my place before you know."

Bai Lang felt surprised. He gave his phone number and then looked carefully at the two business cards in his hand.

One look and his heart couldn't help jumping.

For one, on Lin GongCheng's business card the words "Wei An Security" was printed in large letters. Bai Lang recognized it as an industry leader which can be said to be be number 1 or number 2 in the country's security business. And Lin GongCheng's title was actually "Boss". It seemed that the phrase "birds of a feather flock together" was really not a lie. Next to a big boss could only be other boss-level friends.

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