Chapter 28 - In Front of and Behind the Cameras

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Running into Kang Jian again after several months, Bai Lang no longer felt the revulsion from before. Right now he simply didn't feel anything. He didn't have any joy nor any sadness. It was as though the person in front of his eyes was a complete stranger.

Right now the progression of events should have made Bai Lang satisfied. Previously the drama that Kang Jian had filmed, which Bai Lang had behind the scenes "recommended", had during the new years time exploded into a large scandal.

Because of that the entire production had been halted. Over half of the people were investigated by the police. Within them, Wu ShenEn was even detained for three days and it seemed to be that he really was a drug user. Thus the entire drama was definitely cancelled as many related bodies had declared that in order to promote good social order that they would definitely not approve it to be broadcast.

Thus the trap that Bai Lang had set for Wu ShenEn and Kang Jian had completely taken effect. These two people's fame which had only just been on the rise immediately plummeted down. They also wasted several months work and were now associated with "drugs". It can be said to have had a very severe effect. However when he heard the news, Bai Lang didn't spend much time being happy. After all right now his time was occupied very fully by his work as well as the Qiu family father and son.

It was only that for Kang Jian to right now still be standing here, meant that he had passed the investigation over the drugs. Not only that but even before the audience had forgotten this news, there was still a show that was willing to invite Kang Jian to come on as a guest. Thus there was definitely someone behind him supporting him.

On the way to the makeup room, Bai Lang passed Kang Jian in the corridor and this thought floated into his head.

However on his side, Kang Jian was not aware that his plot of working together with Wu ShenEn to get someone to take photos of Bai Lang had been exposed. At this moment he was still thinking about his "friendship" with Bai Lang. He still thought that it was only because he had moved too quickly that Bai Lang would distance himself for the sake of that man.

If he could return to a friendly position then based on Bai Lang's previous warm attitude, then he probably wouldn't distance himself anymore. Also right now Bai Lang's fame was getting bigger, so he wouldn't want to ruffle feathers by making himself look like someone who would turn a cold shoulder on an old friend right?

When he saw Bai Lang, the other man was just as beautiful and gentle looking as before. In these few months there was a new confidence and mesmerizing feeling about him. Paired with his elegant clothing, he gave off the impression of a worldly young nobleman. There wasn't a single shred of immaturity about him. The itchiness in Kang Jian's heart rose up again. His footsteps slowed and he turned around and said, "It's been a long time, Ah Lang."

However Bai Lang didn't stop walking.

It was only Hong Hong who was standing behind Bai Lang that lightly inclined his head towards Kang Jian.

Kang Jian's body froze. However he was determined not to let Bai Lang ignore him thus he said loudly.

"Ah Lang, if I've done anything wrong, then I apologize okay? I'm sorry. It's my fault. Please forgive me! I've called you so many times and you still won't pick up. You're being like this makes me really unhappy ah."

He yelled so loudly that half the corridor could hear.

The staff who originally weren't originally paying attention now all looked over.

Thus Kang Jian displayed an even more contrite expression. He didn't lower his voice at all as he said, "I know I'm a careless person. If there's something I've done that makes you feel uncomfortable then just directly tell me. I'll definitely change it! We've been classmates for so long, just based on that sentimentality can't you just forgive me this once?"

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