Chapter 51 - Meeting Kang Jian Again

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Bai Lang had come to Full Circle to attend a shareholders meeting. Just by himself he represented two-thirds of the total share so if he didn't come then their voting of matters wouldn't be able to achieve an over 50% agreement rate and they could directly declare the meeting failed.

So as soon as Bai Lang stepped into the new building built last year by Full Circle, a skinny man with an employee swipe card around his neck, wearing denim jeans and a T-shirt came hurrying out of the elevator towards him. He wore a familiar smile to welcome him. "Ai, ai, young master Bai, we're just waiting on you. This way, this way."

These words "young master Bai" caused Kang Jian, who was waiting to be called in on the other side of the large and spacious reception room, to turn his head around.

Right now around Kang Jian there were several good looking young people gathered.

Today one of the departments of Full Circle was doing early tryouts for a brand commercial. It hadn't gotten to the stage of auditions yet, so they were simply holding it in one of the offices on this lower level floor.

They were all in the same entertainment circle. When the young people who had come to try out saw their senior Kang Jian also appear in the same place, they all naturally got very excited. They all rushed over to greet him and try to get familiar. After chatting they realized that the reason Kang Jian had come to Full Circle today was to talk business. This must be high boss-level discussions. These young and lowly newcomers all felt they couldn't compare to Kang Jian, so their eyes when they looked at him were filled with envy and admiration. Their words also become more and more respectful and pandering.

This new wave of newcomers to the entertainment world were all around seventeen to eighteen years old, because that was one of the requirements of Full Circle's tryout. Three, four years ago, when Bai Lang was famous, these young fellows probably were still in middle school. They probably could only recall a few idol singers from that time, as for Bai Lang who was primarily an actor, they didn't have any strong memories of him.

Thus when they saw Kang Jian behaviour change, they all asked curiously, "Senior Kang, do you know that person?"

"Is he also from our circle?"

"How come I don't have any impression of him? Is he a newcomer?"

These seven or eight tongues were talking at the same time. In the tall and wide lobby the voices echoed loudly, until the sound even reached Bai Lang and he looked over together with the man who had come to receive him.

When their eyes met, Kang Jian felt as though something was squeezing his heart painfully.

It had been a long time since he had seen Bai Lang. When compared to three years ago, he hadn't changed much but at the same time felt different. His skin was still white and delicate, his hair and brows dark and pure, everything about him was clean and elegant. When looking at him it gave one the feeling looking at a beautiful and translucent jade, you couldn't help but want to get close. At this time the habitual smile on Bai Lang's face hadn't disappeared. Even though when he met Kang Jian's eyes, it faded slightly however it was enough encouragement for Kang Jian to hurry over.

Kang Jian ignored the voices around him and as though he was being hypnotized, directly walked towards Bai Lang. "Ah Lang, it's been a long time.

Bai Lang nodded his head. "Mr Kang."

Kang Jian's eyes immediately lit up. Because ever since Bai Lang became cold towards him, this was the first time he had shown him a friendly gesture!

Could, could it be because these years he had obtained some small results, hence Bai Lang's misunderstandings towards him had faded!?

Kang Jian's feelings towards Bai Lang right now were very complicated. Within his admiration there was mixed feelings of jealousy and unfairness. That's why he had not objected to Li Sha making trouble for Bai Lang. However right now, Kang Jian felt his popularity exceeded Bai Lang's. So once that jealousy was removed, the Bai Lang that evoked his dream and desires now occupied the greater part of his thoughts. Now when Kang Jian stood in front of Bai Lang, his heart raced quickly.

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