Chapter 48 - Award Ceremony

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The clip of Chaos Street actually had the strange effect of raising the buzz regarding Bai Lang's Gold Emperor award nomination.

It was possibly because previously Bai Lang didn't been in many productions. Other than Gold which he had been nominated for, there was only Partners which people could use to judge him with. However when he was filming Partners Bai Lang was really a newcomer. His acting experience was shallow and although towards the end it improved greatly, however this kind of simple production about city living didn't really have many scenes which could display Bai Lang's skill. The storyline was what drew people in rather than any particular performance. So there was many people who felt like Bai Lang being nominated this time was just as a lucky bystander.

However when Chaos Street's clip was released, this completely different Bai Lang made people's eyes light up.

From his expressions to his every small movements the Bai Lang in the clip seemed have completely changed his bones. From him exuded the feeling of someone in the lowest class of society and it felt as natural as though he was born that way. Even his way of walking around in flip-flops looked totally natural, however at the same time there was a still a cool and handsome feeling. It didn't make people feel repulsion. It was like within a group of delinquent youths, there would always be a small leader with a charisma which would always make the people around him be drawn to him and want to follow him.

Also in the clip there was a segment where Bai Lang cursed fluently as he fled. His accent was 90% similar to the actual accent of a particular place. It changed the feeling of originally coarse words to carry a special feeling associated with a place and culture, so it became a lot easier on the ears and also brought the character to life even more. His acting was apparent even in the way he pronounced his words. This type of high-level attention to detail and skill really left a deep impression in people's hearts.

But actually regarding this accent matter, Bai Lang could be said to be using some of the experience he gained in his past life.

In his last life, this drama had done quite well. The characters and script were both very satisfactory. There were many exciting plotlines which entertained the audience greatly. However the one thing that was criticized by people as not being quite up to par was the actor who played Luo Zai, which in his past life was called Cheng Yuan. He was also a very handsome young man. His features were very delicate and feminine, and it fulfilled the requirements of Luo Zai's image. However every time he opened his mouth to talk or swear in his extremely standardized accent, he would be criticized by sharp-tongued netiens as being too cultured and not realistic.

{T/N: China has many dialects (Hokkien, Cantonese, Mandarin, etc etc) however government stresses Mandarin as the universal dialect. So most people all over China can speak Mandarin but they speak it with a different accent influenced by the place they grew up. However there is a standardized accent which usually people will try their best to speak when trying to sound educated and also in order to make themselves better understood by others. Less educated people or people who have never travelled much outside their towns won't really be able to do this well.}

Some of these were due to the drama's limitations. After all this drama still marketed itself to a general audience so it couldn't have too frequent extreme lines. However there were still many scenes where the character Luo Zai still needed to rely on his lines to in order to express his personality and social class. So the scriptwriter was stuck in the awkward position of trying to produce lines that weren't too extreme nor were they too moderate. {T/N: Try to imagine the way low class criminals talk on a shows like Law & Order. Obviously real people in that situation probably are a lot more coarse/have a lot more jargon and lingo, because it's TV they have to moderate it somewhat so it's understandable to a general audience. However at the same time they still have to show that these character's personalities.}

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