Chapter 29 - Premiere

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Bai Lang paused very slightly. His expression didn't change much as he smiled. "I'm not moving. I'm paying rent so I'll continue to live there."

"So it seems like this "experiencing the role" has been really good for you ah," Gao FenFen smiled intimately however there was a knife hidden in her smile. "After living there, probably you can't get used to living in an ordinary apartment again. Oh, such a good friend. How come I don't have one?"

"How about I become a secondary landlord and share a room with Sister Fen?" Bai Lang said generously. "Our living condition right now is similar to Partners for Life. If Sister Fen comes, you can definitely be the female protagonist."

Gao FenFen immediately clapped her hands joyfully. "If the male lead is you then I will definitely move in tomorrow."

"How can I allow Sister Fen to lower herself in this manner," Bai Lang smiled again. "I will definitely find someone worthy of you. However I don't know what Sister Fen's requirements are?"

Bai Lang artfully changed the topic of conversation to Gao FenFen. After they joked around for a bit longer, they finally moved away from the topic of where he was living.

However just based on the previous question it was enough to awaken in the audience's mind the rumor of Bai Land being kept from a few months before. If they continued down this pathway of questioning, whether or not it was believable that Bai Lang was paying rent was one matter, even if they believed it, the impression that Bai Lang was used to and didn't want to move out of a luxurious house was something that would impact on his image in the audience's mind.

Thus Gao FenFen's questioning was something that was designed to seek trouble for Bai Lang.

On the surface Bai Lang continued to accept Gao FenFen's interview with an untroubled face, however underneath he was thinking quickly about if he had had any altercation or problem with Gao FenFen. However no matter how much he thought he couldn't think of anything. Right now his only clue was Kang Jian and the girl who was standing next to the cameraman.

After all this entire building was rented out by "Harmony Entertainment", it was a professional filming environment.

Harmony Entertainment was one of the five major TV program production houses in the country. They had over a hundred small and large programs, and so in order to accomodate all types of different filming activities, they had rented out this entire building. Other than the dressing rooms, equipment rooms and other such necessary rooms, each floor had been segregated into independent filming studios. If people weren't specifically working on a particular program, then theoretically speaking they shouldn't be able to casually walk around and watch.

And Bai Lang was sure that Kang Jian shouldn't have any employee's pass to Harmony Entertainment. So the fact that Kang Jian could right now righteously stand next to the camera person and watch his entire filming, the reason should be the girl standing by his side that Bai Lang didn't know.

Just as he thought, once the program had completed filming, Bai Lang and Gao FenFen were freed from those two couches on the screen. Bai Lang was still very polite and exchanged a few pleasantries with Gao FenFen. The two people hadn't even walked completely off the stage before the girl dragged Kang Jian over and blocked their path.

"Sister FenFen, every time I hear your interview it's very exciting. Today is still the same." The girl treated Bai Lang as though he didn't exist. She only talked quickly and enthusiastically to Gao FenFen. "No matter how much someone poses and pretends, Sister FenFen you can make them show their true colors with just a few sentences. It's really satisfying to see. I will ask my father to add more money to the program's budget. Sister's Fen's show will definitely become even more famous."

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