ROAMS - Extra 5

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Not long after winning the Golden Emperor award for the movie Ending, Bai Lang began working on the movies for the series of foreign books.

Even though the actual filming would not take place until a while later, however in the early period Bai Lang still had a lot of work getting make-up and styling for early promotional material.

When the casting was announced, naturally for  Bai Lang this new film emperor's reputation went up a few notches.

The popularity of this series of books in China was already so widespread that every household knew about it. It had a wide fanbase. After the first three movies were shown, the fans of the books were all curious as to who would play the role of the Asian student who would show up in the fourth movie. They saw that one month after receiving his award, the new film emperor was cast in the role and with the addition of the very popular Rong Air commercial, this casting choice made all the fans very satisfied. The casting director was also very happy. This meant that they had also gained a free, additional promotion gold card. With the two things complimenting each other, the effect was very good.

Thus, Bai Lang's career after becoming the movie emperor took off faster than anyone could have expected.

After all the chance to film a foreign blockbuster was an opportunity that didn't come easily. There were many film emperors who while having a great career domestically, didn't have any bright successes overseas. The fact that Bai Lang got this opportunity can also be considered his fortune. When these two final movies were successfully shown to the world and succeeded both in terms of popularity, critical opinion and box office sales, Bai Lang rode the wave to successfully become an "international superstar". Even though he really hadn't filmed that many works.

And when Father Bai came to find Bai Lang, it was when the first movie Bai Lang filmed for that series of books had just come into the theatres.

At that time, no matter if it was big streets or small alleys, all were covered with posters for the movie. Bai Lang had also busy doing promotions for it. Father Bai loitered outside Total Entertainment's big building suspiciously and after being recognized by the eagle-eyed security team, Fang Hua brought him in via the back door then called Bai Lang to let him know.

Bai Lang went silent for a few seconds then agreed to come by for a meeting.


Bai Lang had only lightly pushed open the door when he saw the back of a person standing looking out the window of his personal office.

Father Bai was wearing pants of an indeterminate color and it was covered with dirt and grease. His ashy gray hair was very messy. In these years he had become quite a lot thinner and his shoulders were hunched as though he was about to collapse. No matter if it was when Bai Lang was young and at home, or when he was a farmer, Father Bai had never had this kind of dejected and downtrodden appearance.

Looking at this made Bai Lang's footsteps pause slightly. "Dad."

Father Bai who was spacing out next to the floor length windows was startled. Swaying slightly, he turned around.

On his old and pale face there were many lines etched. His expression was very hesitant, "Ah, Ah Lang...."

Looking at this father who appeared like a completely different person, Bai Lang really didn't know what to say. "Why don't you sit while waiting?"

On the coffee table next to the couch there was a cup of tea placed. The secretary wasn't likely to have forgotten her responsibilities.

Father Bai lowered his head. Guiltily he pulled at his clothes. "I'm scared, scared of making it dirty. I can just stand here, it's okay...."

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