Chapter 8

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Chapter 8🍕
(Kenzie's POV)
I opened my eyes to see a pale white ceiling.
"What happened last night..?" I wondered to myself. All the memory's flooded back. "God dammit I probley fell asleep in the car...but how on earth did Jessica carry me to the hotel.." I looked down to see what I was wearing, "and how did she get me in this shirt? Who's shirt is this anyway?!" I looked next to me expecting to see Jessica, but there next to me was not was a shirtless, boxer wearing, Ashton Emerson, or Irwin..? Who cares. I Turn over to my other side and see Calum.
"What the fuck!" I scream jumping out of the bed. Ashton and Calum shot up out of their beds startled by my screaming. I see Jessica on the other bed with Lukes arm around her, assuming that they slept like that. Luke sits up gently making sure not to wake Jessica. "Why are you guys in here! Get out!"
"But this is OUR room sweetheart." Ashton says politely.
"What do you mean, and don't call me sweetheart. Jessica wouldn't sleep in the same room as you guys, like, that's weird...?" Jessica then began to stir, she sat up and began rubbing her eyes. When she saw me she gave me a nervous smile.
"Hehe um.. Good morning..?"
I was pissed, like beyond pissed. We had JUST met these boys and I've already slept with 2 of them. Is she TRYING to make me seem like a slut?
"Where's my phone?" I ask in a ticked tone.
"In your shorts..." She said quietly pointing to the ground. My eyes get wide as I now realize I only have my thong on. I bent down(feeling all eyes on my ass) and got my phone out of my shorts. 3 text from 'Mommy🌸'
'Hey sweetheart you okay?'
'Grandma is in the hospital, we think she's okay, we love you '
'You have to stay in Chicago another day or two, grandma needs me here. Be carful and have fun'
"You've got to be kidding me." I say.
"Moms not getting us we have to stay in Chicago"
"But didn't you check into the hotel for one night only?"
"Yeah AND we are gonna get kicked out in um like.." I say clicking my lock screen to see the time, "Oh shit 15 mins." Me and Jessica leap out of bed and race to our room to get our stuff. When we finally got to our room I look around for our room key.
"God dammit!!" I scream.
"Need this?" Someone behind us says. It was Micheal jogging up to is with our room key.
"Thanks." I say quickly unlocking the door. Our the three of us go in and we all are horrified, there and clothes EVERYWHERE.
"Okay um Jessica you stuff everything you can in your suitcase, me mine and Micheal....Um you use this extra one." I say handing him the extra suitcase, "just no touching bras or panties, kay"
"O-okay.." He said his face turning red.

*10 mins later*

We had managed to stuff everything into the 3 suitcases and went back to the boys room, unfortunately. We all sat around one bed to talk, Micheal and Ashton in the two chairs near the window, Calum and Luke on the end of the bed and me and Jessica sitting up against the head bored. We all sat there and talked about where me and Jessica could stay for cheap.
"There's a cheap motel up the road a little." Micheal says.
"And a bed and breakfast one around the corner"
"How about..." Luke says scooting toward Jessica, "you guys stay with us."
"You know what that is a brilliant idea Lucas!" Ashton exclaims.
"Well if you INSIST!" Jessica says smiling. Everyone looks at me for an okay.
I pause for a moment. "Okay fine but only until my mom can get us." Everyone cheered tackling us on the bed. Gosh what have I gotten into.

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