Chapter 18

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Chapter 18🍕
(Kenzie's POV)
When Jessica ran up the stairs I sighed and starting trudging up the stairs. I hate doing physical stuff. Suddenly I heard screaming and a big thump on the floor. I quickened my face to see the funniest sight on earth. Jessica was on the floor rubbing her head.. Guessing she fell, Calum had his hands by his mouth with his eyes wide. Luke was white as a sheet, and Ashton was screaming, being cradled and screaming Michael's arms. I burst out laughing and the screaming stopped and everyone looked at me. When I noticed I stopped laughing and looked at them with a straight face.
"Um hello? Little Help here?" Jessica said and I gave her a hand and helped her up. The boys were still staring at us. Micheal slowly set Ashton down on his feet, Ashton cautiously walked over to us. When he was in front of us he poked us like we were some new food that he hadn't tried.
"What is he doing?" Jessica whispered.
"I don't know..."
After he poked us he backed away next to Luke. All the guys were looking at Ashton as if waiting for an answer.
"They are real" Ashton said after making his 'conclusion.' The guys relaxed and then an awkward silence fell.
"Did you really just waste all that time to see if we were real! Like seriously I didn't think you were that du.."
Jessica pushed me out if the way (making me trip over my own feet and fall) and jumped on Luke embracing him wrapping her legs around him. Luke, startled at first, caught her and soon was hugging her back.
"I missed you so much!"
"I missed you too" Luke said laughing.
I glared up at Jessica for making me fall and I got up fixing my shirt. Luke and Jessica were already in a full on conversation about who knows what, so I walked over to Calum, Micheal and Ashton.
"Long time no see." I say awkwardly.
"Yeah." Said Ashton, cheeks getting red.
Micheal pulled me into a big bear hug and said "I miss you Kenzie never leave us alone again!"
"Uhm Micheal." I said straining for breath. "Mikey....MICHEAL!"
"Oh.." He said releasing me. "Sorry" he smiled weakly. I then gave quick hugs to Calum and Ashton and we joined Luke and Jessica's conversation. We talked about what has happened and how their tour was going, stuff like that. Our conversations were stopped when Ashton's phone began to ring.
"Hello?" He answered.
"Where the hell are you guys your on in 25 minuets! You guys better get your asses down her, right, now!" The line ended and Ashton put his phone in his pocket.
"Who was that?" Jessica asked startled.
"Our manager.." Calum said.
"Well you guys better get going. We don't have tickets so..."
"Are you staying at this hotel?" Luke asked.
"Then come with us! You guys can hung backstage!" Ashton says.
"Yeah! That would be awesome!" Micheal said.
I looked at Jessica. She had her puppy dog face on and I just cannot say no when she gives me that face. I roll my eyes and cross my arms. Fine. Let's go. We all go out to the car and pile in.

(Ashton's POV🍕)
I'm so glad Kenzie's back. She makes me happy. I think that I'm in love.

(Calum's POV🍕)
Damn Kenzie's got such an attitude, but that flare is what makes her so attractive.

(Michael's POV🍕)
Kenzie is cool, and hot. If I had her as my girl I'd never let her go. Ever.

(Luke's POV🍕)
Now that the girls are back I can finally do what I've been wanting to do for the past two months......

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