Chapter 12

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Chapter 12🍕 (Kenzie's POV)
I heard the door slam shut but I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes.
"What the hell happened here" I heard a voice say.
"Who knows, but I'm exhausted."
"Damn looks like our girl had fun" someone laughed.
"Do you think their awake?"
"I don't know."
"Someone go check!"
"No I don't want to you go check Luke!"
"No! Guys let's all just do it together, kay?" I felt the bed move as the guys got on the bed to wake me. I smirked to myself...this was gonna be hilarious. As they got closer to me I counted to five in my head then shot up screaming "DONT TOUCH MEEE!!!" The boys all screamed and fell to the floor. I laughed so hard I'm pretty sure I pissed myself.
"Why the hell would you do that!" Micheal screamed.
"Because it was funny" I say sitting crisscross applesauce. I loom over to Jessica. She was still asleep. The boys followed my vision line.
"How the hell is she still asleep?" Calum said.
"She was drunk what do you expect?"
"Okay well it's late sooo I'm gonna go to bed.." Luke says. Walking over to Jessica picking her up bridal style.
"Um where do you think your going with her?" I say.
"To the other room so you guys don't have to squish together."
"Mhm okay." I say as I check my iPhone. One message from 'Mommy🌸'
'Grandmas okay. I'll pick you two up tomorrow at 1:00 the same place I dropped you off. Love you.'
I responded with 'Love you too' and clicked my phone off. I decided not to tell anyone and just save it for the morning it was like 12:15. Calum Ashton and Micheal were all staring at me. When I noticed I gave them my wtf look.
"Boo? What do you want?"
"W-who's gonna be your sleeping buddy?" Ashton asks. I start laughing hysterically as the boys look at me with blank stares.
"What your serious?" They all nod and I roll my eyes. "I'm sleeping here. You guy are sleeping there." I said pointing to the other bed. With that I turned around and layed my head down on the pillows listening to the boys fight over whose gonna sleep in the middle.

Chapter 12🍕(Jessica's POV)
I feel myself being lifted.
"Hmm what?" I say squinting my eyes.
"Shh. I'm sorry I didn't me to wake you." I hear a sexy Australian accent say.
"Luke? Where are we?"
"The other room." He says setting me on the bed. I am then a little bit more awake.
"We're alone right."
"Yes.." He says going over to unlock the door.
"Good" I say getting up and walking over to him. I lightly begin to kiss him and he grabs my bum. As the kiss gets more passionate Luke pushes me up against the wall, and begins stripping me to just my panties. I do the same to him. Luke suddenly throws me on the bed and gets on top of me continuing the kiss. I begin to unbuckle his belt and he slides his pants off. Luke kisses up and down my body leaving love bites sliding my underwear off. He comes back up to my face and gives me a quick kiss before entering me. I flinch and gasp from the sudden pain.
"Do you want me to stop?" He asks worried.
"N-no I'm fine" he kisses me again and continues to thrust and soon the pain becomes pleasure.

(Not going into THAT much detail)
After it was over we both layed down next to each other. He kissed my forehead.
"I love you." I was caught off guard when he said that but I smiled and kiss him.
"I love you too."

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