Chapter 21

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Chapter 21🍕 Part 1
(Kenzie's POV)
The car ride was awkward. Micheal was the only one who was trying to make conversation but was shot down. When we got back to the hotel I was the first one out of the car.
"Okay well thanks for the night but we should get to sleep.." I say.
"Where are you sleeping?"
Ashton's asked.
"Oh a little place up the rode.." I say, i mean it wasn't a car WAS up the rode a few blocks from here.
Unfortunately Jessica heard me saying this and of coarse she just HAD to open her mouth and say "I am NOT sleeping in that car one more time! My back hurts" she said laying her head on Luke. I rolled me eyes. I was getting tired of Calum being horny and the whole thing with Micheal and Ashton.
"Well you can sleep there but I'm not." I say turning.
"Hey wait Kenzie!" Jessica says, I look back slowly and annoyed.
" careful. Okay?"
"Kay whatever." And with that I started walking to find my car.

(Jessica's POV)🍕
I watching Kenzie walk away. I don't get what the big deal is, I mean they are nice guys plus Micheal Ashton and Calum are all head over heals for her. If she wanted to she could do all three of them.
I sighed and said "let's go inside it getting colder."
I started to walk toward the door when someone tapped my shoulder. It was Ashton.
"Oh hey Ashton."
"Hey could I maybe um get Kenzie number."
I, being the smart one, got the hint and smiled. "Of course! Here I'll give you both of our phone numbers." He smiled and thanked me. Seriously Ashton is so sweet I don't get why Kenzie has to be such a bitch to him.

(Kenzie's POV)🍕
My phone beeped and I looked at it. It was from and unknown number. I opened my phone and the text said 'Hey it's Ashton.' I added him to my contacts and replied.
'How did you get my number'
'Jessica gave it to me'
I rolled my eyes and locked my phone it beeped again.
Ashton: 'Are you okay? Walking to your car I mean.'
I ignored the text. Why is this guy so into me? .....but then again every other guy I've dated started like this. They act like they're in love with me and then they leave me with no further contact. And they call me a slut at school for all the things THEY made me do....
I finally got to the parking lot to where my car was. There where alot of other cars there plus it was dark. I put my hand in my pocket to get my keys. A wave of panic washed over me, they weren't there I patted around again and there was nothing. I didn't even have money for a cab. Frustrated I sat down on a car. And buried my face in my hands.
Why does this always happen to me....Jessica gets all the good guys, all the good grades, and I'm just some reject.
Suddenly I hear movement come near me. I look up and see 3 guys, seeming to be drunk.
"Are you mad honey buns?" One calls out still walking toward me.
I compose my self even thoe I'm about to piss my pants and answer back.
"Nope just sitting here on my car."
"Ah I see" the same guy says. He was Caucasian and muscular about 5'9.
"She don't look very sure of herself" another guy says. He was black and shorter then the other guy but still taller then me. He wasn't a beefcake but he wasn't no muscle either.
My seals esteem immediately went down and I stopped standing up tall. I zipped up my jacket. They where all Bacically in front of me now and I was right, they were drunk. The third guy was mixed. He was built and by far the hottest of the three. The three looked my over. I could feel they were eye rapeing me but I was to scared to move.
"She's got a nice body." The mixed guy said.
"Yeah she do" said the black guy.
"You know what I think guys?" Said the Caucasian guy. My was shaking but I tried not to show it. "I think this isn't her car. I think our little friends lost." He said walking towards me. My eyes got wide. This was not good.

Chapter 21🍕Part 2
(Kenzie's POV)🍕
The guys started coming closer. I was still against the car. My heart was beating faster and faster.
"So," said the Caucasian guy who was now right in front of me. "You wanna come with us maybe, we could get you home." He said stroking the side of my face. I flinched, scared out of my mind.
"U-um no thanks I'm good" I stutter trying to move around the front of the car."But thanks." I turned around and started walking away, but someone grabbed my hand and yanked me back to them.
"Hey where you goin?" The mixed guy said. As he pushed me to the Caucasian guy. They all pushed me around touching me. I began to get more pissed then scared. When the mixed guy pushed me back to the back guy for about the 5th time, laughing at me. I kicked him in the groin. Everyone went silent and fear rushed threw me again.
"Your gonna pay for that you little bitch" said the Caucasian guy. I turned and ran as fast as I could. I had gotten a head start because they were trying to help the black guy up. I dashed out the parking lot and down the street till I got to an alley way. Everything was blurry because I was crying while running. There people could kill me, I could here them yelling for me. I got out my phone and I dialled Ashton since his name was the first one that popped into my head. Sniffing and wipe away tears and prayed Ashton would answer.
"Hey Kenzie? What's up"
"Ashton. Please help me." I say between sobs. "These guys they tried to...." I bust out in tear.
"It's okay...," Ashton said trying to calm me down. "Where are you?"
"In the alleyway between that restaurant and the other building."
"Okay I'll find you just stay where you are." The line ended and I locked my phone. I took short little breaths trying to calm down. I peeked around the corner to the right. No one. Before I could turn my head I heard someone yell "hey!" I looked the other way I saw the white guy. They must have split up. I ran down the alley way again as far as I could hoping to find the other end and to turn a corner again. Luck was not in my favor, it was a dead end. I banged my hands against the brick wall.
"No, no. No! This cannot be happening." I say to myself crying again.
"Well well, I guess I get the bitch all to myself." The guy says walking toward me. "Well at least this time." My skin crawled.. I was backed up against the wall. I couldn't do anything. I wasn't going to get out of this one.

(Ashton's POV)🍕
As soon as I ended the call I grabbed my jacket and rushed out the door. I had to find Kenzie, and fast. If they found her they would not be good. I sprinted down the street as fast as I could. I finally got to the alley I'm pretty sure she was talking about.
"Kenzie!" I yell. "Kenzie."
"Asht-" I hear a muffled scream. I run down the alley to see Kenzie and this guy at the end. He had her backed up against the wall with her jacket thrown off and one hand up her shirt, the other holding over her mouth and nose. For the looks of it she was struggling to breath.
"Hey! Get your hands off her."
The guy looks at me and takes his hand out off her shirt and moves his hand to her neck.
"Or what."
I went over to him and punched him in the face. He bent over and I kneed him in the face. He then fell to the ground and I kicked him 5 times till he held his hand up.
"Alright alright stop stop I'm leaving"
"Good." He got up and ran away. I looked at Kenzie. She was shaking, tears rolling down her face. I went over to her and she threw her arms around me, sobbing into my shoulder. I placed my hand on her head and stroked her hair.
"Shh it's okay your safe now."
About 5 minuets went by till her crying slowed and her breathing became normal.
"Can you walk home?" She shrugged. I could tell she was tired and just wanted to sleep. I picked her up bridal style and started walking out of the alley. She layed her head on my shoulder and she began to fall asleep. I kissed her forehead, glad nothing had happened to her.

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