Chapter 22

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Chapter 22🍕
(Ashton's POV)
When we got into the hotel room it was 1:30. Kenzie was fully asleep. I knocked lightly on the door hoping someone was still up cause I forgot to grab my room key. I knocked a little harder and then the door swung open. Everyone was standing at the door. When they saw Kenzie they all burst out saying. "Oh my god." "What happened" "come in"
I walked in and layed her on the bed. Everyone tryed go get near her but I held out my hand
"Guys give her my space, she's been threw a lot in the past hour." I started walking to the bathroom when Jessica grabbed my shoulder and spun me to look at her.
"Ashton what happened?!" Suddenly her expression softened and sad. "What happened to your hand?" I looked at my hand and it was super bruised from punching that guy.
"Umm.." I told everyone the whole story. They all just stood and sat there not able to say anything. Suddenly Kenzie began to stir I ran to the side of the bed. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked at me. I put my hand on her cheek.
"Hey, you okay?"
She nodded.
"Can you talk?"
She shrugged and looked behind me. I looked back and saw Jessica. She was starting to cry. I moved so Jessica could talk to her. She flung her arms around saying "im sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry." Crying into her shoulder. Kenzie also began crying.
"It's okay I'm fine." She managed to choke out.
"We should take her to the hospital." Luke says.
I nod agreeing.
"Ashton and Micheal should take her in your guys' car and me Luke and Jessica we will go back to get her car" says Calum.
Everyone says okay and Micheal and I help Kenzie get up.
"Oww" she says. "My leg hurts. And I'm light headed." I pick her up and Micheal opens the door for me. We don't even bother taking the stairs no one in the right mind would be up thiss late. We got to the car and I set Kenzie I'm the back seat. Micheal sat next to her while I drives to the nearest hospital.....

(Luke's POV)🍕
As me Calum and Jessica walked doesn't the street, Jessica clung to my arm. I knew she was scared to run into those guys form what Ashton told us. We got to the car safely and started to drive to the hospital.

(Ashton's POV)🍕
They took Kenzie for an examination to make sure everything was okay. Me and Micheal were sitting in the waiting room when Luke Calum and Jessica came in. Lucky for us there was barley any people there at 3:00 in the morning. We all sat there for about an hour till the doctor came out. He walked over to us.
"She will be fine. Nothing broken, just bruising here and there."
"Can she come with us now?"
The doctor hesitated but nodded. "As long as you let her rest. She had a lot of air lose so when she wakes up she may have a lose of memory but not that bad, just help her to remember little bit.""
"Thank you so much." Says Jessica.
I sigh in relief. I hope the memory thing he mentioned isn't that bad. I would hate for her to not remember me...

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