Chapter 2

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I stood there watching her as she walked away. Penelope Park.

"So as I was saying Rafael and me-"

"I'm sorry what?" I asked Lizzie wondering what she was talking about.

"It's fine it's not like it matters anyway. But I have a bad feeling about that girl and I don't want you talking to her."


"Promise me you won't talk to her or have any interest with her."

"Fine... I promise."


The bell rang signaling us to go to class. We walked down the halls into class. The teacher already had assigned seating. I looked around the room for my name.

My seat was near the back of the class. Whereas Lizzie's was in the front. I looked over to see that my desk partner hasn't arrived yet. Halfway through the period, someone entered the room. I saw raven hair.


"I'm so sorry I'm late, I'm Penelope," she said making eye contact with me, "I got lost on the way here, I'm new."

"Oh it's fine," Mr. Axe told her.

"Where do I sit?" She asked politely.

"Let me see," he pulled out his seating chart and inspected it carefully, "Right next to Miss Josette Saltzman. Josie please raise your hand."

"No need I talked to her this morning. It's hard to forget a face like hers," She smirked winking at me. I blushed slightly. Hopefully, no one saw. Penelope went to her seat. Slightly grazing my arm as she went past me, sending chills up my spine.

She leaned in closer and whispered in my ear. "Well, it looks like we will be spending a lot more time together."

"Okay, so your assignment is getting to know your new desk partner. I want you to write at least 1 page about them. This is going to be part of your next assignment so work hard on it, you have the rest of the period," Mr. Axe announced to the class a few minutes later.

"Umm... What would you rather do on a first date? Movies or dinner?" I asked her first.

"Is this your way of telling me you like me," she stated with another smirk.

"No, just answer the question," I started blushing.

"Why not both," I gave her a questioning look, "It's really dark in the theater and why not get something to eat."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"You really are innocent," She said, "So what exactly have you done?"

"That is none of you business," I told her.

"I'm just trying to get to know you better," she said.

"Just ask me another question," I said frustrated.

"Are you into girls?" She asked bluntly.

"N-no," I stuttered. Damn it.

"Are you sure about that?" She asked while biting her lip. I gulped. Fuck, I need to get out of here.

"Excuse me, Mr. Axe, Can I go to the restroom?" I asked to get out of this situation.

"Yes, just take the pass."

"Can I go to? I would like to figure out where it is?" Penelope asked.  Please say no, I only asked to get away from her.

"I don't see why not," Mr. Axe stated. Lizzie glares at me while I left.

"Thank you," She said to him. I got up and started to walk to the girl's bathroom. I managed to get there before Penelope. Even though she was following me. Once I arrived I leaned against the wall and took a deep breath. God damn it, Penelope. What are you doing to me?

"You're not supposed to lie to people you know," Penelope said as she entered the bathroom.

"What am I lying about?" I turned my head and made eye contact.


"I don't understand," I told her.

"You're even lying to yourself."

"I still don't understand."

"I can see right through you Josie, you don't have to act around me," She said as I got up off of the wall. Only to be pushed back up against it.

"We can't do this," I stated.

"Why not?" She backed me further into the wall, pushing herself against me. Putting her lips closer to mine.

"We just can't," I said frantically, trying to get out of this position.

"Was it Lizzie?" she asked against my lips.

"N-no we just can't," I lied. 

"Fine," she said letting me go. "Are you dating someone?"

"No, I don't have time to date someone, I need to be there for Lizzie,"

"Isn't she dating someone, it seems like nobody ever looks after you," she crossed her arms.

"I don't need anyone to look after me," I told her.


"We have to go back to class," I stated once again trying to get out of this situation.

"Not yet," she moved in front of the exit, "I need something from you."

"And what is that?" I asked.

"A kiss."

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