Chapter 5

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Penelope pulled the back of my head and connected our lips. What the f*ck is she thinking!? She then flipped us making it so that she was on top of me. I pushed her off immediately. But it was already too late.

"What the fuck!" My sister yelled through the crowd. "Are you dating satan?" She asked me.

"No! Lizzie, it's a party, I wanted to kiss someone,"I told her. Penelope smirked at me.

"I want to talk to you... alone!" she yelled pointing at me and glaring at Penelope.

"Okay, will you calm down?" I said as Penelope got off of me and Lizzie and I went outside of Rafael's house to start talking.

"Are you gay?" She asked crossing her arms.

"So what if I am?" I asked her.

"Josie...I told you to stay away from her! You promised me you would, why the Hell you listen to me? What were you thinking?"

"Do you want to know what I was thinking? I was thinking that there's a really hot girl in front of me and I want to kiss..." Lizzie shook her head at my comment, "Also, I think you're scared."

"And what would I be scared of?"

"You are afraid that if I started dating someone that I will leave you."

"Of course I'm scared you're going to leave me. Everyone fucking does and you know that."

"Lizzie, you're not the only one she left and you know she didn't do it voluntarily!" I took a deep breath in, "Lizzie, I'm not going to leave you and I'm never going to, you're my sister, my twin and I will always love you but don't I deserve to be happy too, you have Raf and I... I have no one. I just feel like I'm not allowed to love anyone."

"Josie," her voice softens, "You're allowed to love someone, but she's going to break your heart and I don't want you to be heartbroken. I know people who are like her; she's just going to play with you until she finds a new toy." I shake my head slightly but who knows maybe she will. It was silent for a few moments

"Can I go back inside,  please?"

"Okay, just be careful around her Jo," We went back into the party and I separated from Lizzie.

"Josie!" Penelope shouted to get my attention.

"I'm not supposed talk to you," I stated.

"What? Why? Did Lizzie ban you from talking to me."  I didn't say anything but instead I continued walking. "Josie, you can't let her control you,"she grabbed my arm, stopping me.

"Penelope, we met today how would you know if she controls me," I swiftly turn around and face her.

"Then why doesn't she let you be with who you want to be with?"

"I don't want to be with you."

"I never said that you did," she stated.

I blushed but I didn't respond.

"I'm leaving, I'll see you at school tomorrow," she started to walk towards the door which was only a few steps away from us.

"Penelope wait!" She ignored me.

She keeps walking and I followed her to her car. I went into the passenger side. And turned Penelope's head connecting our lips once again. It was a short and soft kiss. I don't know why I did it. I guess I wanted her to know how I felt.

Her eyes widened. "I thought you said you didn't weren't allowed to talk to me."

"I'm not," that was all I said before I got out of car.

"Then why did you kiss me just now," she smirked.

"Because... I wanted to"

She got out of the car and grabbed my wrist. She put her other hand on my waist before she kissed me in front of the house. She separated but I pulled her head connecting our lips again. It's strange even though we just met today kissing her felt so natural like it was something that I was supposed to do.

(with Lizzie)
Lizzie had been searching for Hope but she ran into Rafael instead.

"Hey, babe, " Raf said to her.

"Hey, have you seen Hope?" she asked.

"Yeah, I saw her talking to Landon, I think that they are going to get back together."


"It's awesome cause then we can hang out again without it being awkward and it can be like it used to," He states smiling.

"No, she can get back with him!" she shouts but quickly brings her voice level down.

"Why not?" Raf asks tilting his end in confusion.

"Because he is not right for her."

"What are you talking about they're perfect together. And He's my best friend and my brother, they were so happy together" he reminded her, Lizzie knew that he was right but she didn't want anyone else to be with Hope. She knew she was being a hypocrite but she didn't want to lose Hope to Landon again."Are you sure you're feeling okay?" he asks.

"I'm fine, I just need find her," Lizzie left him by himself. Raf was confused but he just thought it was nothing considering that she always acts this way.

Lizzie was walking around Raf's house to find Hope. Hope was in the living room with Landon and a few other people.

"Hey Lizzie! Come join us!" Hope shouts sounding a little drunk.

"Hey, I've been looking for you all night, where did you go?" Lizzie asked.

"Where did I go? You're the one who disappeared, one moment there was a Lizzie and the next, poof you were gone," Hope laughed getting really close to her face allowing Lizzie to smell the weed and alcohol off of her. 'Great she's high too' Lizzie thought. 

"Ooh we should play truth or dare," Hope suggested staring at Lizzie's lips.

"Really truth or dare?"

"Yeah, truth or dare but you know we will make it  more interesting."

"I'm down," Landon says.

"Of course you're down," Lizzie remarks.

"Come on Lizzie please it will be fun." Hope begged. Lizzie could say no to her she never could.

"Hope...," hope looked at her with a sad smile, "god fine, I'll play." Immediately Hope smiled.

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