Chapter 13

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(With Lizzie and Hope)

Mg left to go to talk to Kaleb.

Lizzie didn't know what to do with her ... girlfriend? Her "Friend"? Her secret? She didn't really know what Hope was to her anymore. She just sat at the table admiring Hope's beauty. How could she like her back? Lizzie was very confused about that. How can someone so beautiful and smart like someone like her back?

"Hope?" Lizzie asked hoping to get her attention while taking another bite of her food.

"Yes, Lizzie?" Hope looked the taller girl in the eyes.

"Why do you like me? How can someone as amazing as you like me?"

"What do you mean, why do I like you? Who wouldn't like you? You're beautiful, smart, funny, and nice, even though you don't let anyone see it. You are one of the kindest people I know, how could I not be in love with you?" Lizzie smiled wide when she heard that.

"You're in love with me?"

"Lizzie.. if it makes you-" she was interrupted.

"I love you too."

"Wait really?" Hope smiled, "You love me back?"

"I do, I love you and I know it's sudden considering that we just started whatever this is but I love you, Hope Mikaelson. I have loved you for a very long time and I just now realized what this feeling was."

"Come with me. I want to kiss you but I know that I can't do it in public." Hope grabbed Lizzie's hand and lead her behind a wall. Hope pushed Lizzie up against the wall and crashed her lips on Lizzie's. Lizzie tangled her hand in Hope's hair and pressed their lips closer together. They soon broke for air.

"I love you Lizzie Saltzman. I always have and always will," Hope stated against Lizzie's lips.

(With Josie)
Penelope walked to the door and turned towards me,"I'll see you later Saltzman." I stood there touching my lips. What the actual fuck? I need to tell someone about this. I got out my phone and texted Mg.


Josie: Mg!! I need to tell you something!

Mg: Yes? What is it Josie? Is this important or can I just get back to lunch?

Josie: This is very important
Josie: Where are you??

Mg: At the table all of you left me at

Josie: Wait Hope And Lizzie left you?

Mg: I mean I went to the bathroom and when I got back they weren't there and neither was u or anyone else

Josie: Okay I'm coming right now

(End of text)

I sat down next to Mg. I wondered how I was going to tell him that I am going behind my sisters back and unofficially dating her new found enemy.

"So... what's it you wanted to tell me?" He asked. He was obviously curious, he is definitely one of best friends but I don't text him often or anyone really. It's usually Lizzie who texts people.

"Okay..I'mgayandIjustkissedpenelopepark and I'mgoingonadatewithhertomorrow," I said really quickly.


"I'm gay and I just kissed Penelope Park and I'm going on a date with her tomorrow," I stated.

"Wait, so you," he pointed at me, "are going on a date with Penelope Park. You mean that Penelope Park," He pointed at her.
I nodded.

"Josie, your sister absolutely despises Penelope for whatever reason and you are going on a date with her. Tomorrow?!"

"I know, you can't tell anyone. You're the only person that knows," I informed him.

"Okay, so do you like her?" He asked.

"Yes, a lot. I feel like I don't have to pretend to be someone else around her. Like she makes me feel noticed like I'm not just Lizzie's less popular twin," I said truthfully. I have always felt like it's always Lizzie's world and I'm just in it. Even before our mom died she was always the one who got all of the attention and was always praised. I was always just there trying to figure out what the hell I was supposed to do. I mean if I died, I don't think anyone would notice or care really.

"Josie, you're not just Lizzie's twin. At least not to me...You were the first person that I met when I transferred here sophomore year. You're basically my best friend. I don't know what I would do without you and if you think Penelope will make you happy then you should go and be happy."

"Thanks Mg," I got up and hugged him.

"Anytime and I think that it's good that you are finally doing something for yourself  instead of always focusing on someone else's problems ." I do have a bad habit of taking care of other people before I take care of myself, but I never admit it out loud.

"Wait, I just realized something you didn't say anything when I said I was gay," I stated.

"Yeah, I kinda already knew," he stated.

"What how?!" I asked surprised. How did he know? I didn't even know!

"Come on Josie. It was obvious when ever you talked to a cute girl you froze up and started stuttering and whenever you talked to a guy you were completely normal. When guys flirted with you, you got super uncomfortable and tried to make excuses to leave."

"But like I didn't even know," I state, "Well that's not completely true, I knew that something was different with me compared to the other girls but I never thought it was that until recently." I mean now that I look at it. I guess, I've sort of always known. am I going to tell my dad?

(The period after lunch)

"Hey, I came back and you and Hope were both gone. Where did you go?" I asked my sister when we go to class.

"Oh, we just forgot that we needed to talk to a teacher about something." She was lying I could tell but I decided not to push her.


"So how did everything go with Landon?" Lizzie asked Raf.

"He was fine but he is pretty mad at Hope.  He still loves her, like a lot. He told me breaking up with her was the worst mistake he has ever made."

"But Hope doesn't feel that way about Landon anymore no matter how much he loves her and it's pretty obvious she's over him," Lizzie stated.

"How would you know that?" He asked her.

"I can't tell you, she specifically told me not to tell anyone but she is no longer in love with Landon," She said looking down and touching her lips.

"I'm sorry, but Hope's over him. It's really cool that you are trying to get them back together though," I state. I remember when Hope and Landon were together. They were like the second power couple of the school behind Raf and Lizzie obviously. Hope was so happy until the day he said he just fell out of love with her. She spent a lot of time with Lizzie for a few weeks after the breakup.

"Josie, I'm sorry but how would you know you've never even had a real relationship." That was a lie. I did have a boyfriend but nobody knew about him. Penelope is actually the first person I told. It wasn't that serious though. We didn't really spend a lot of time together and the fact that he was so far away didn't help either. I did love him but not in the romantic way. We are still friends luckily.

I opened my mouth to speak but the bell rang before I could say anything.

Last update tonight.
I didn't change much of this chapter but I hope you enjoyed

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