Chapter 34

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After a few hours they finally reached the end of the trail which was at the top of the mountain. It was beautiful they could see the whole town.

"Wow," Lizzie says, "it's beautiful."

"Yeah, it is," Hope says turning to look at Lizzie. I'm going to marry this girl one day.

"You're so cheesy did you know that," Lizzie says turning her head to look at Hope.

"You love me though," Hope replies.

"I do, I really do." Lizzie leans in and so does Hope. Their lips almost touching  when Alaric walks up behind them. "Hey we need to get back down the mountain."

"Dad, oh my god! You scared me!" Lizzie exclaims. Hope just smiles awkwardly.

"Sorry did I interrupt something," he smiled knowing that he did.

"No, Dr. Saltzman, we were just about to umm..." Hope looks at Lizzie who shrugs not knowing what to say.

"We were just about to go back over to you guys and see the plan, yeah. That's sounds right." Lizzie didn't mean to say the last part out loud but she hoped he didn't notice.

"Alright, we are leaving to head back down in a few minutes."

"Okay, we'll be over there soon," Lizzie says to her father who is walking back to the other couple.

"God, that was so awkward, your dad probably hates me now."

"Hope, he doesn't hate you besides it could have been worse." Lizzie was right it could've been worse. Her dad has walked in on her and Raf plenty of times but he never really cared because he was a bit drunk. He might care a little more now but let's just hope he doesn't give us 'the talk.'

"I know, but still I don't want you dad interrupting us when we do things." She talks using her hands and gestures between them.

"Oh, what type of things are you planning, Hope Mikealson?" The blonde asks her girlfriend with a smirk. She moved her hand onto Hope's thigh.

"Umm... N-Nothing, w-we should head over to the group again." Hope was blushing.

"Or..."she moves her hand up further, "we could stay here." Hope slightly gulped.

"Girls! It's time to go!" He shouts at the so they can here.

"Alright, dad! Be there in a minute!" She makes her voice quieter, "that's too bad." Lizzie than gets up and walks half way to the rest of the group. "Aren't you coming?"

What fuck just happened, Hope thought. I'm supposed to be the top!  (A/N: I added it bc I can)

They way down Penelope and Josie we're getting to know more about each other. Talking about things like music they like and stuff like that.

Alaric really liked Penelope, he believed that she was good for his daughter. He had never seen Josie smile this much for years. But then again he wasn't really there. Not that he didn't want to be, he just couldn't be. He still feels really guilty about it. He wishes he would've been better, for them...

Though he did like Penelope. He didn't like her mode of transportation, he thought that it was dangerous and he didn't like that Josie knew how to ride it. But, he can't tell her she's not allowed to ride it. She's almost 18 so she's going to be an adult and she'll no longer have to listen to him. He did appreciate that Penelope drove her car today rather then her motorcycle.

He wasn't really worried about Penelope as much as he was about Hope. Which is strange considering that he has known Hope for longer. He sees that Hope makes Lizzie happy. He also sees that they are already in love which means that they probably want to do more than just kiss. He needs to set some boundaries which he knows probably won't work but he's still going to try.

He walks back to the older twin who is holding hands with Hope. "Lizzie can I talk to you for a second?"

"Yeah dad, what is it?" She asked with her hand still attached to Hope's.

"Can we talk privately?"

"I'm sure whatever it is Hope can be here," She states, "She is my girlfriend after all." That causes Hope to smile. Even though she has heard Lizzie call her that before, it still makes her heart flutter.

"No, it's fine. Lizzie I probably don't have to be here," Hope turns toward her girlfriend.

"No, Hope it's okay, it actually involves both of you."

"Oh." Lizzie thinks she knows what he is about to ask. God it's the talk.

"Are you two having sex?" Both of the girls faces turn red immediately.

"N-no." Hope looks down slightly to avoid eye contact with Alaric.

"Have you thought about it?"

"Dad, I love Hope, I want to spend the rest of my life with her. Of course I've thought about it. And Hope's 18 and I'm almost 18 we're not little kids anymore."

"What about you Hope?"

"Yes, sir," Her head is still down, "Lizzie is the person I love," she looks up at Lizzie, "the person I've always loved, the person I'll never stop loving... so of course I've thought of doing those things with her."

"Okay, well I wanted to know so we could address some things."


"But, when you two start, please try not to do it while I'm in the house, okay?"

"Okay." Alaric then nods

"I'm going to go talk to your sister."

"Okay bye dad," she says before he walks off to  Josie.

"You want to spend the rest of your life with me?" Lizzie blushed harder.

"Of course I do, I always have and I always will, because like what I just said to your father, I love you, Lizzie."

Lizzie connects their lips, "God, how did I get so lucky with you?"

The Hizzie content does be like that

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