Reviewer: Diana

99 2 12

Username: jeepersx

Genres I Review
I can review all genres with the exception of horror and angst.


Main Focus
I will focus on giving an in-depth review, which includes: cover, title, description, character development, detailing in prose and dialogue, storyline, originality and maybe some personal nitpicks.

I know it sucks to receive a very vague review, so I want to make sure writers receive all the tools they need to look at their own stories from an unbiased perspective.

Number of Chapters I Read
I'll read all of them as long as they're under 25 chapters. If they go past 25, I'll read as much as I can in two days' time.

Hopefully, I'll be able to be done in 2-3 days. I'll personally PM the writer if I take longer than that.

Please, follow me and comment on one of my stories! Also, tag some of your friends who would like a review!

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Quick summary:
No. of Chapters:

Remember to tag @jeepersx in your form.

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