Review: His Virgin

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Reviewer: Secret or BTS_Believer

Review For: xerophthalmia

What I reviewed
How the book is developing based on plot.


- I like the little insert you put there, makes me want to read the book even more, aside from the cover alone.
- Wow, the way you introduced the main character was phenomenal, I caught a glimpse of their personality in just a few sentences.
- I see that the plot is introduced and I already can’t wait to read the story that leads up to it.
- I really like how you introduce the main characters at the end, gives me a good idea of their personalities in this story.

- I like how you have a song to start the chapter, that’s very original.
- The plot has unfolded as soon as she sets sight on Tae, I could tell in that moment that she has slight interest in him.
- The way that she meets her room mate made me smile and laugh out loud a little. It was cute.
- I like how Eun can read people without talking to them, that’s a unique trait to have in a main character and I’m glad to see it in this story Jennie is actually funny, she can switch moods in an instant and I find that pretty amusing.
- I love how Jennie can easily get Eun to agree to things, like she’s a master manipulator.
- When Eun indirectly says that she’s a virgin, I cackled.
- Wow, so he’s just in her room like that? That is a great way to end the chapter.

- I love how he’s so relaxed about everything while Eun is so pissed off at him.
- The way Eun talks to herself in her mind is funny to read and is really relatable.
- Jennie clearly wants things to work out but the way that Eun is saying no makes me think that Jennie’s got an ulterior motive, it’s not a big thing but I’ve got a small inkling of something happening and it’s gonna be Jennie’s fault.
- I’m glad Eun gave in, Jennie really is the queen of manipulation.
- Oh wow. Jennie’s a bitch.
- The way she meets Jungkook is cute, the way she gets scared easily is funny to read.
- Oh wow, Taehyung’s an ass.
- The way the scenery is described makes it sound like a beautiful place to live.
- I like how down to earth Eun is, she really connects to nature and I can’t wait to find out why.
- When the boys introduce themselves, it’s almost as if I could see them doing it in real life.
- Cliff diving is fun.

- Wow, first impressions were nice, second impressions were terrible besides Namjoon, Jennie and Jin.
- Wow, Eun being a bad bitch, I love it.
- Taehyung kills the mood, yet again.
- But then again, Taehyung seems to be the life of the group so he’s not that bad at the point I stopped at.
- Wow, naked huh? I like that twist, it was a very well written scene and I could feel myself get uneasy as if I was Eun in that situation.
- I like how determined he is and I also like how he can be fun at the same time, jumping in the water with Eun at the same time.
- I like how Eun can change her feelings and I really think that she’s falling for Taehyung as she wants him to kiss her.
- Mean trick trying to kill her, is Taehyung the embodiment of a demon?
And her underwear, what an asshat.
- At least he’s letting her wear his boxers, not that mean of an asshat, but is still an asshat.
- If you can’t tell from the way I’m writing, I’m in love with this story already, I read and stop when I want to write something down.

- Eun is so serious about everything, I love it.
- Taehyung is such a goof with his puns and jokes in the middle of a serious moment.
- Wow, the author really knows how describe the perfect hot guy covered in water.
- I hope Jungkook and Jen get together to be honest.
- I love how Taehyung and Eun form a plan but it all goes horribly wrong, like how every plan should.
- Oh, Eun’s talking about her underwear out loud? Okay, something’s definitely changing here.
- I love how Eun can talk back to Taehyung as if he was a little kid, I love it so much.
- Okay I love the cat fights, it brings a lot of comedy into the story.
- I also love how Eun is being a hard ass on Taehyung because he surely deserves it.
- When the author describes the diner, it’s almost as as if I can see myself eating there with friends or my family.
- I like the question the author poses, aren’t we all monsters? It really does seem like that huh? I like how little things like that can make a reader go deep into thought about a question that seems so simple.
- Wow, Taehyung is falling hard.
- I knew there was an ulterior motive, author, you sly little fox you.
- Eun is just a cute baby bunny, not referencing Kookie, but don’t do her dirty like that.

- Okay, how is he breaking her? Like break her down so she doesn’t have a will or, you know, break her.
- I feel as though everything that happened between Jen and Eun that morning is something I would do with my best friend if she and I had a sleepover.
- Eun’s sense of urgency for school is something that I can really relate to.
- Jen is getting super deep with all the talk about love, I really want to know what happened in the past now.
- “Your science knowledge is fucked Jen.” Best sentence in the book so far.
- I like the introduction of bitchy girls, almost makes Jen look friendly.
- I love how Taehyung can lie as if it’s his second nature.
- Okay, is Taehyung like a demon in disguise? He’s evil and yet he’s trying his best to get with the girl who wants nothing to do with him.
- Eun is actually really funny when she’s with everyone but Taehyung.
- So Jikook’s a thing, and apparently so is Sope, man I love this book.
- Hoseok is a dance instructor?
- It’s cute that Hoseok cares so much about Yoongi, it warms my heart when I read what he said about him.
- Who is Lucas?

Overall Review
    This is the longest review I think I have ever done simply because I really like the book. I’m stopping the review at chapter 5 because then the review would be too long and it would be too many words for you to read in one sitting. I have to say, your book is a diamond in the rough. Your plotline is so original and I have never seen such a well written story in a long time. You asked me how the plot was going and if it was boring or not. Honey, have you seen my notes?

This book has taken over my life, I started it last night and I fell asleep while reading and I had a dream about what I had read so far. That never happens unless it’s my own book. You do have a few spelling mistakes but other than that your story and plotline are flawless. Your book needs more reads and it needs to get praised more often. I’m not a certified book critic but your story needs to be in stores right now, that’s how good it is. Also, just because this review stops at chapter 5 doesn’t mean I’m not going to read the rest of your story.

Please keep up the amazing work, you are one of the most detailed and precise authors that I know. You leave the readers wanting more every chapter. If your book was completed, I would ravenously read the entire thing in one day, I could promise you that. Thank you for this opportunity to read your book and I will definitely check out your other book as well!

Thank you for requesting here!

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