Review: Fighting for Dominance

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Reviewer: Secret or BTS_Believer

Review for: NourhaneauxToumanion

What I reviewed: The pacing and how emotionally involved I was.


Mainly just a forewarning of what to come.
Author is really funny.

Introduction of characters was very interesting in a good way.
Transition to first ‘sexual’ conversation was played out successfully.

Chapter 1
Emotionally, I feel as though Taehyung is trying to ‘out-dom’ Jungkook and I love it.
It did move a little too fast at the end when it shifted from Jimin to Jungkook.

Chapter 2:
Pacing went very well, I liked the cliffhanger at the end.
Emotionally, it’s got me hooked already.

Chapter 3:
As far as pacing goes, it did move a little too fast but that is to be expected when a character is intoxicated so it’s fine.
“Doing what you’ve been trying to do the whole day” Now that is a quote that I like.
The author described everything very well and I could almost envision their words.
The ending to this chapter was a bit disappointing as it didn’t go in depth and skipped to the morning after but this doesn’t need to be fixed as it is the author’s choice to do so.

Chapter 4:
The idea of the flashback was very interesting and not many authors do it but you pulled it off quite well.
Pacing was decent, could have added more detail within the flashback but it did the job nonetheless.
I liked how Jungkook teases Taehyung, it’s cute.

Chapter 5:
Vmin is canon, I like that.
Pacing moved smoothly, from Taehyung leaving Jungkook to seeing Jimin and from Jimin leaving to Taehyung finding him again, they were all transitioned smoothly.
I can’t wait to see the plan of action to get revenge against Jungkook.

Overall Review:
        The pacing is going very well and the characters are developing quite well, they all have their own quirks that make them lovable within the story. I did notice minor spelling and other grammatical errors but they were small and I could understand what the author was trying to say. As far as emotional attachment goes, I did enjoy the book and I enjoyed what I had read so far. Some things to consider doing would be adding more detail where needed, like in the flashback in chapter 4, I needed more detail but that’s just my personal opinion. I love the concept of this book and I will definitely finish the book. It was hard to be critical with this book as I was emotionally entranced and I liked how things were going.

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