Review: Live. Die. Repeat.

68 3 9

Reviewer: Secret or BTS_Believer

Review for: 1-800-JinsDadJokes

What I reviewed


- I like the introduction, it’ve very unique and almost reminds me of video game perks.

- This idea is very original and I’m excited to see how they’re going to be used within the story.

- I like how there are 3 different colors for each perk.

- I really like how there’s a specific number and a detailed description of each perk, giving each one a unique use.

- The detail for the perk pictures are amazing, are they handmade by the author?

- There are a lot of perks listed in the first few chapters, I really hope I can remember them all when reading the book.

- I like the key to acronyms in the beginning of the chapter, is very helpful.

- The conversation with Linda was a bit awkward but it’s to be expected when talking to an employer, it made it realistic.

- I really like how there’s somewhat of a timer that counts down the hours until the game begins, it gets me excited to see what’s going to happen.

- There are a few instances where I would change the flow of sentences, possibly adding a few commas where appropriate or deleting some repeated words from the same sentence. Nothing too major though, just a suggestion.

- I like how the main character, aka me, is so oblivious to what’s going on yet she’s so good at what she does.

- That oblivion makes me think that it’s going to get her into trouble in the future.

- So far, it’s starting off on the right note with the introduction of a few characters, can’t really tell what the plot is as of right now but I like where this is going.

- The tragedies have started and it’s really sad what happened to the boys.

- I can tell that this is only the beginning of the tragedies, something worse is coming, I can feel it.

- Wow, PD-Nim huh? Been a while since I’ve seen him in a book, it’s a nice thought that the author wanted to include him.

- How the author describes getting home to finally relax is something that I can relate to in my life as well as the phone interrupting everything.

- I like how I am a good friend in looking out for others in this book.

- Wow my apparent best friend’s a bitch.

- If I was at that party in real life, I would have a panic attack from how many people are jam packed inside, I have claustrophobia btw.

- Wow, best friend seems like the best bitch with how she’s acting.

- Wow, that was a twist I didn’t expect to see, I wonder if it was because the best friend was drunk that she had acted out or if her new friends talked shit, maybe both?

- Of course, I am stupid in this book and take the short cut through the forest.

- Wow, some way to end a chapter, I don’t think she had any alcohol so I wonder why she was stumbling all over the place.

- I really liked this chapter, it had a nice twist and it made me connect more to the main character. Just like in the previous chapter, some sentence fluency errors are common but they are simple fixes if you look closely.

- Oh wow, she can’t remember anything, fitting for a horror novel.

- I can kind of picture where she is and it’s almost exactly like the beginning of a video game, it’s giving me a sense of deja vu.

- It’s very detailed in the way that I can kind of see everything in my head.

- I like the introduction of another character but the voice is hidden. I’m guessing that the hidden character used a perk in order to communication and to become invisible to the eye or became really good at hiding.

- There aren’t many notes on this chapter because I feel like the author did a good job of what they wanted to say and I like how it ended on a little cliffhanger there.

- This chapter is shorter than most and sentence fluency has gotten a bit better here because of it.

- I’m guessing the horrible picture is the killer?

- Okay so the heartbeat is what people hear when the monster gets close to them, I understand that now.

- The author is very detailed in their writing, again not many notes here because I was too focused on reading everything that was on the page.

- I kind of have mixed feelings with the main character being so curious to go to the basement, everyone knows that in a new place that’s guarded by a mutant freak monster thing, you don’t ever go to the basement, but I guess that’s the beauty of horror novels.

Overall Review
    So I’ll be honest, I don’t really read horror books that often just because the ones that I eventually do read terrify me to death. And the author, you my friend have scarred my dreams. I only made it to four chapters and I need a break.

    My head is spinning because your writing is so amazing and at the same time I can visualize everything that you’ve written and that basement made me feel lightheaded and nauseous. Don’t feel bad, that just means you have the incredible ability to be very descriptive with your writing and that is an excellent trait to have.

    You had asked me to review everything, so here’s my review: You seem like an aspiring author that needs to work on sentence fluency just a bit. I can understand what you write but some things don’t flow the way that they should, I suggest looking back at sentences to add commas, fix run on sentences or replace repeated words that are in the same sentence one too many times.

    You are very original and I like your ideas, the plot is moving along exceptionally well and I will definitely read the rest of it when I’m finished here. Your characters are developing well, that twist with the best friend was a good choice as it led to a major turning point in the story.

    The way that the unknown voice helps the character is something that I would have only thought was in video games, the choice to put it in your story was also a good choice. I’m not a professional reviewer but I really believe that you have a gift for writing as your story seems so mature and ahead of its time, it’s a real shame that it doesn’t have more reads, it deserves to be in the spotlight more often. I really do get video game vibes from this story, is there a game that inspired you to write this book?

I hope I helped you and if you have any questions or concerns regarding my review of your book, please let me know.

Thank you for requesting here!

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