Review: The Night Whisperer

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Review by: Ash or twilight_5bte

Review for: Nightandme

"The Night Whisperer" is a story featuring BTS V. The story talks about a typical girl who joined a new college with all her insecurities. Soon, she made a friend which apparently is her roommate. They go on a day out to explore the foreign city. And that's when they meet Taehyung.

He and his friends (the maknae line) make music. Even though they are meeting for the first time, he felt that bond inside themselves which made her familiar to him.

From the blurb, the plot of the story is a fictional fantasy which is indeed really interesting. I found the pace of the story a bit lagging but at the same time, it deepens the effect of different emotions traced in the story. Those little details add beauty to it.

The reader can find a great number of profound situations/emotions/relatable quotations throughout the story. 
For instance:
"How ironic it is that the society tells you to move on yet it is the very reason why things get a hundred times tougher."
-The Night Whisperer, Chapter 5.

The language used in the story is pretty amazing. You write like a professional. Each of your chapters are filled with immense emotions. The fogginess in the story lets the readers imagine their creative ideas. I'm happy to say that I hardly found any grammatical errors in there.

About the cover, It gives off a soothing feeling which is perfect for the story with a simple aesthetic effect. Although I couldn't find the aptness of the title to the story (i guess the title would make sense when the story progresses more), it creates a curiosity among the readers.

The plot is a creative one. This fresh idea can gravitate readers to go through your story. Wishing you the best for your book!

Thank you for requesting here!

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