Review: Bogus

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Reviewer: Euphoria or @Euphoriakookie1997

Review for: NarimaneTaman

Title: Relatively catchy and unique. Fills the target audience with positive curiosity. Great job on title selection!

Introduction: It's mysterious as well as giving a spoon full of information about the book which is good but the best part is that it doesn't give away a whole bunch of information. No flaws here.

Book cover: again it's a nice piece of art giving off the aura of the book perfectly.

So it was mainly about a doctor namjoon, who's boss Jin brings a mysterious boy to their *place* . Jin tells him to keep the boy in a *cell*. Namjoon's aware of the future of the little boy and is somehow not happy about it. We then go into the future and see that Namjoon is having 2 sons. Jungkook and Jimin who don't like their father, that's when we know that the father himself doesn't like him.

The prologue was good in general except for the parts where I found myself questioning the story line (we'll come to that later)

The character development is fanatic. The way you gave off namjoon's feelings and jin's aura. Also the way you described the child's innocence was amazing.

Now for the questioning part. Who is Namjoon's wife? Who are the kids? (Like kind of describe them)

The ages of the characters and the time period.

But well this is the prologue so I believe we'll get to know the rest of the character story later on. 

(I'm doing each chapter individually so Idk what happened in the next chapter. If you have answered the questioning parts in the future chapters then I'm sorry)

Chapter 1:

So in this part I like the way you answered the questioning parts in the prologue. This chapter showed the cruelty of Jin and it was described well. This showed V's affection for Jin and Namjoon's growing affection for V. The introduction of Suga into the story was and Namjoon being a normal doctor also adds up to the story. Again there were no leads towards the two boys "Jimin and Jungkook" also Namjoon called V "Almost like his 4th son" but till now we know that Namjoon is having 2 sons who is the word one? Also who is the person to be shocked?

*this story is growing on me. I don't take it as "work" anymore!! So now this review will be from your reader/fan's point of view!!!^_^*

Chapter 2:

So WOW ! Ok come back to your review self lol😂

So the 3rd son of namjoon is Hoseok and he's the same age as jungkook so maybe they are twins (Idk lol) the other two (kookmin) aren't fond of Namjoon meeting Hoseok. Hoseok is unaware of himself being namjoon's son, he's at the orphanage and thinks of Namjoon as his father's friend. The emotions of Namjoon a described really well and the little glimps of Hoseok's affection towards Namjoon was like the cherry on the top. Again Namjoon isn't wholeheartedly keeping Hoseok in the orphanage but something is making him do so which I think is his 2 sons. Namjoon then leaves the sad Hoseok telling him he'll let him take care of himself from then onwards.

(The events are getting clearer now but too many mysteries are to be solved. I'd like to know the back story of the characters, I'd like to know more about the son's and I'd like to know the reasons for the things Namjoon is doing.)

Chapter 3:

The story gets clearer from here. Hoseok is jungkook and jimin's step brother and he was a mistake by Namjoon. We get to see the flashback story which I believe was what the readers wanted the most. The 2 boys anger is justified as Namjoon was the one to betray his wife / the boys mother. We again see a friendly convention between Suga and Namjoon.

In the beginning we find that V is getting worse day by day and it's actually a drug trial business Jin and Namjoon are doing. He see the heartlessness of Jin and also find that Namjoon's wife died, Namjoon also kind of wants Hoseok's mother to be back.

(This chapter i believe had no flaws, we also saw Jimin and Jungkook's nature finally after 3 chapters)

Chapter 4:

So here we see that Namjoon is finally free from that HELL but then the fear of losing Jin gets him and He goes back to the institution to save V. He successfully saves him and takes him to his house.

(This chapter wasn't having much though but as a reader I can guess that something is going to happen in the next one)

Chapter 5: 

This chapter is mainly about the bad attitude of the 2 boys towards V. Also Namjoon names V "Taehyung".

And we get to see tae and joons conversations mostly.

(This chapter wasn't what I expected. I wanted something big to happen or maybe I was expecting a little more story than just conversations and feelings. Except for that there were no flaws.)

Chapter 6:

So in this chapter we see a softer side of the boys as they are worried about tae when he was vomiting blood. We get tae point of view in the story as well. We then also see the naivety of Namjoon when he left her alone, when she said so. 

(This chapter I believe was what we wanted. It filled most of the holes of the story, and it had a good plotline.)

Chapter 7:

In this chapter we get to know how namjoon's wife died, we see jimin's point of story as well as Namjoon acting upon jimin's words. They see namjoon's cut and Jimin is reminded of how their mom had the same one before dying.

(The storyline honestly is getting really interesting. For a reader they are now curious to know what happens next. I couldn't find a single flaw)

Chapter 8:

In this chapter we see that tae keeps on calling himself bad, he compares himself with bad things. He gets bitten by a fly and Namjoon tells him that it's bad and he should kill it. He also promises tae to take him to a park. We get jimin's pov then he kind of starts to develop a soft spot for tae. He also questions his and kookie's behaviour towards Namjoon.

(This chapter again had a nice plot and good description. The entire vibe was lighter which was good for a change)

Overall: the overall story is catchy,no grammar errors no typos, character development is strong and event plotting is planned well. Great job!

Thank you for requesting here!

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