Review: Behind The Mask

41 1 2

Reviewer: Only_yours or jannamae0215

Review for: Carolsareintheair

The title is good, although a bit common, it leaves the readers thinking of what is actually behind the mask and that could attract them.

Description: As for the description, I'm sorry to say but it's not really that appealing. It was plain story telling so I suggest for you to change it. (If you want to, if not then it's all your choice.)

Character Development:
• I appreciate the Character introduction because in stories that have tons of characters, it is confusing. Having a character introduction is a really great idea.

• The characters of BTS members is a bit twisted as how it was suppose to be but I understand because the author is not actually an ARMY and I want to give a thumbs up for her. I really like how she's able to make a story realistic even though she don't know the characters that much.

• it's okay. although the concept is common with other fan fictions specially for BTS, the author made a twist that makes it a unique one.

• It's also a very short one and other part that was mentioned is not emphasized. (When they said that yeri is a trainee and there's not even a chapter or a part of a story that she was seen in her studio or practicing except when they have a meeting).

• the story have less action and more just on explaining making it a very short one.

• The character's emotion is also very rare to be said leaving the reader's emotion blank about the topic.

• Another is it's timeline which is really fast, mostly time skip.

• Another suggestion of mine is to give more emphasis with the dialogues? Maybe bold it or make it in italize? Sorry that's just my own suggestion😂✌

Grammar and Punctiations:
•The grammar is really good. It was edited before hand (the editor mentioned that she had nothing to correct.) and I see no wrong when it comes to grammar but as for the punctuation, I suggest to use comma (,) instead of period (.) in pauses but except with that, Punctuations is used very well.

Author's Technique: The author's technique is not really used. It don't have included; sayings, metaphor, personification or others.

• The story is well written. Although it lacks with some things, changes can be done and it will be a very well written story.

• The efforts that the author and the editor (the authors cousin and the owner of the account) have given to the book needs recognition. I would be very happy to tell to the author that I'm very glad to give them some incentives personally.

Note: I also want to apologize because I reviewed only the book 1 although I do know that there's sequels hehe✌✌.

Thank you for requesting here!

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