Review: Forced

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Review by: Secret or BTS_Believer

Review for lovebangtan3

What I reviewed: The plot, the pace and the emotional feelings throughout the story


- Basically sums up the characters.
- Author gives a short author's note that gives me a good feeling about the book itself.

Chapter 1:
- I like the little lyrics at the beginning, it's cute and it seems to set the mood for the chapter.
- Opening the story the way you did was a very effective tactic on your part, it made me get a feel for the story even before it started.
- I immediately got attached to the family as the way it was described, I felt as though I was in the same room as Jihye and Junghyun.
- It blew my mind the way it had ended because I could basically picture everything that was going on.
- I love how descriptive the author is when describing the family itself.

Chapter 2:
- The opening scene with Jimin and his sister was very wholesome and it fits very well within the plot.
- I like how the author uses emotions and transfers them from the page to the reader.
- Wow, just wow, as I had gotten closer to the ending of the chapter, I felt every emotion Jihye had felt and it amazed me that I could be so entranced with just one book.
- Plot is going very smoothly as some doubt develops within the storyline.
- Pacing is also going very well as the story and characters continue to grow here in this chapter as well.

Chapter 3:
- Wow, just do the whole plot dirty like that, I didn't expect the chapter to start off with something so negative. That hurt my heart.
- The letter made me cry but it played a very key role in the turning point of the story and it was very effective.
- I like how Jungkook goes to comfort Jihye, makes it a wholesome little moment.
- The wholesomeness continues when Jihye talks to Mr. Jeon and it was nice to see the two have a talk during the sad times.
- I liked the ending, can be interpreted in two ways and the author has no shame with ending chapters with one sentence, which doesn't usually work out in most stories but this one is different and unique, which is why it works so well within this book.

Chapter 4:
- I like how the tables turn when suggesting marrying Kookie instead.
-I like how Jihye had just only noticed that Jungkook's room was neat, as if she had never paid close attention to him before.
- Okay, the author could have made a conversation before skipping into the living room scene but the audience gets the full run down as the parents do so it's okay.
- Hmm, seeing as how they have agreed to the marriage and are doing a contract for it, it seems like the author is contradicting themselves with the title as they aren't really forced to do anything, Jungkook was asked if he was okay with it, he could have refused and Mr. Jeon could have forced him then but the way it is now doesn't really seem forced.
- My earlier comment was just for this chapter, I have not read any further just yet so my opinion may change.
- I like the way the chapter had ended with a question, almost like a foreshadowing of some sort.

Chapter 5:
- The way the chapter had opened was sweet but solemn at the same time, something that is to be expected though so I wouldn't worry too much about it.
- There it is again, Jihye looks at Jungkook as if she had never really looked at him before. Maybe it was just because she had always been with Junghyun that she never really noticed him or maybe it was because they were to be married, whatever the case, I love it.
- I love how it’s the same for Jungkook as he looks at her in the wedding gown, it’s cute.
“It felt like Jungkook had waited all his life to hear those words.” It seems as though this one sentence makes it seem like Jungkook had secretly loved her from the very beginning.
- The part where Mrs. Jeon told Jihye to call her mom made my heart happy, that’s very wholesome.
- Man the entire ending hurt my heart but I understood where Jihye is coming from.
- The pace and plot are phenomenal and I am already so attached to this book, if you couldn’t tell already.

Overall review

        Where to start? This book has a good plot so far and I’m most definitely going to read the rest of it, if you would like chapter by chapter review as I continue, please let me know and I’ll gladly do so.

You truly have a gift for writing as I’ve never felt so strongly for a character in my life, with the way you had described each scene so differently, it made me feel as if I was right there in every room with the characters.

I love how you also added lyrics at the very beginning, as if to set the mood for the chapter, in many cases, that concept never really works out but you rocked it, same with the single sentence to end every chapter, you rocked that too.

This book seems to have the right amount of wholesome mixed with drama and I love the duality of it. It’s not very often that you see a book with Junghyun as a character but I love the concept of him leaving right before the wedding itself. As I have said before, it doesn’t seem as though the two are forced to do anything as they both agree to marrying one another but maybe I just haven’t read farther into the book. They both had the choice to do it and neither one of them said no, so that just makes me confused on where the whole ‘forced’ idea comes in but once again, I will read on and my question will get cleared up when i get more context.

The pacing is perfect and nothing is going too fast and it’s definitely not lagging in any way whatsoever. The plot itself, well, from my notes you can see that everything I’ve read was an absolute masterpiece and I’ve never read a book quite like this. It’s so unique and I’m happy to see that there’s been a new spin on the ‘forced’ concept and I love everything about it. I’ve stated my confusion earlier but I feel as though that is my own concern so you don’t need to worry too much about it.

My emotional attachment is through the roof, I went all fangirl on you during the chapter reviews and I’m sorry about that but I’m hooked and like i said in the beginning, if you want a chapter by chapter review as I continue through this book please let me know and I will do it, I can’t wait to read the rest of the book.

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