Review: Crimson Lace

59 4 3

Reviewer: NamNam or Revision_06

Review for: monstasugakookie

What I reviewed: The overall story (things to add or change in the book)


You will definitely become obsessed with this book so beware

Chapter 1:
This chapter was very descriptive and I felt as if I was in the story. I can't wait to read more of this book and see what happens to the main character.

Chapter 2:
The flow of this book is absolutely amazing! Is there anything the author can't do correctly??

Chapter 3:
Literally the only thing that bothered me in this chapter was one sentence and the rest was amazing as usual. Don't worry about that certain sentence it seems you edit your story so you won't need to stress over it.

Chapter 4:
There isn't much to say about this chapter other than the fact the author once again has killed me with skills.

Chapter 5:
Jimin is finally introduced into the story! I can't wait to see their first interaction.

Chapter 6:
She finally speaks to him!!! The scenes in this story are so nicely planned out how do you it!!

Chapter 7:
Beautifully written.

Chapter 8:
Short, but amazing as usual.

Chapter 9:
Loved this!!

Chapter 10:
Author!! You tricked me! I thought Jimin was going to save her, but it was her brother. I hope Jimin saves her! Can't wait to read more.

Chapter 11:
It's Jimin to the rescue! Is he going to save the protagonist or not?? This is such a good book!!

Overall Review:
This book is amazing and I'm already addicted to it. The main character is so strong and courageous I wish I was strong like her! Even though the story progressed too much I can already tell it's going to be good. I didn't really notice any spelling or grammar mistakes. As you can tell I did enjoy reading the book. The way the book is written and the actual story is absolutely amazing. I really can't be to critical with the book since I've grown so attached to it so it was very difficult to find mistakes in the text.

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