Review: The Shy Type

45 5 2

Reviewer: Ash and twilight_5bte

Review for: prkchimchim_got_jams

"The Shy Type" is a one shot that is 21+ rated by the author. The plot of the one shot is mainly concentrated on smut. Jimin and Y/N; the characters of the story have been dating for 2 months. Y/N was shy that, she was afraid to make a move on Jimin. But Jimin wanted the girl so badly. One day they went out for shopping and returned really tired. Some arguments between the led them to do it. The second chapter in the story was made to create the tense of the situation to the readers.

Because I'm not that good at reviewing one shots, I'm sorry If I disclosed the story. Yet I found many remarks in your story. I'll point it out!


1) Avoid repeating the same word again and again in a sentence.

2) Avoid typos as much as possible.

3) Avoid spelling mistakes. (I found many wrong spellings)

4) Grammar is also to be considered.

( I personally recommend you to proofread your work for the above remarks)

5)I felt discontinuity between certain paragraphs.

6) The tense you wanted to create didn't really come out well because of the foreign practice of words.

I don't want to sound rude, but you have to improve your writing skills. Refer many books to get a clear idea of smut writing. Maybe you're a starter and English isn't your first language. But don't worry, practice makes a man perfect.

Your plot was a nice one apart from all these grammatical errors.

I hope you get my point. Fighting! for the future.

Thank you for requesting here!

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