Review: Chasing Freedom

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Reviewer: Secret or BTS_Believer

Review for: blissjm

What I reviewed
Character development and how the plot is going

Chapter 1
- Opening scene for the story is quite short but I liked it.
- I feel that everything that the author had written was very relatable with the few paragraphs that were on the page.
- I liked the introduction of Taehyung at the very end, most people would do it at the beginning or in the middle of the chapter but it was a good idea for him to be introduced at the end like that.

-From reading this chapter, I like that the relationship between the main character and Taehyung had already been established to be friends.
-I like the main character and her sense of responsibility and how Taehyung could not give two shits about anything, excuse my French.
-As of right now, in this chapter, the characters seem to be developing quite well and plot is moving along just fine.

- I like the author made the panicking thought realistic, it made me feel like it was something I would do in real life.
- I can also sense the anxiety from the main character from just a few sentences.
- At the very end, the nervousness of the main character is so real that I can relate to it with my own experiences.

- 'A total disgrace’, that was probably the funniest thing I have ever read.
- The chapter starts out with a happy tone but the main character does not care for it all, she only thinks about the negative, which is probably a good thing since she cares very deeply about what is important to her.
- The way the teacher broke the news to the class seems like what one of my own teachers would do, with that said, it was very well written and very realistic.
- I would have thought the main character would be happy at the thought of the class getting what they deserve but I do understand her level of guilt for her friend.

Chapter 2
- The start of the chapter makes me feel as though Taehyung and Jieun have been friends for quite a while and I lowkey already ship them together.
- The level of boredom is probably how everyone these days are feeling.
- I feel as though Taehyung may have just a bit of feelings for her and I really like that.

- The way the two interact with one another is very smooth, and the way she says ‘mayhaps’ is something I would most definitely say to my best friend.
- I can relate to Jieun as I am lazy all the time as well.
- It’s nice that Taehyung does his part and helps her clean up the dishes.

Overall Review
The characters have history and the development has gone rather nicely. I do see some spelling mistakes but I can easily understand what you are trying to say.

Plot wise, it is a little confusing as the chapters are so short but there is a clear outline and a clear plot and I can say that it is developing quite nicely with how much I have read so far.

I like how the chapters are broken up, I have never really seen anyone do that before, it’s very unique and I like that.

Overall, the story is very good for one that has not been completed yet. I will continue to read it after this review and I hope to see what goes down in the end. Keep up the good work!

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