Reviewer: Kookie

230 10 39

Username: binxlix

Genres I Review
I like all reviews but I tend to lean towards ships or something with a lot of plot twists.

Yes, as stated above I read lots of ship books, mature content of any type is also okay with me.

Main Focus
Character development, plot and storyline.

Number of Chapters I Read
I don't like to make a review before finishing the story, I will usually read the whole story before judging it.

I use Wattpad for at least a few hours a day so I can read a lot quickly meaning I can finish the whole book, depending on the number of chapters I will take 1-5 days or so but I can take time requests.

I don't want a payment I just want some books to read and to help people  improve their stories.

Story Title:
Genre (If unknown you don't have to say a genre):

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