Review: Mirror-Touch

43 1 3

Reviewer: Minty or -sugaistic-

Review For: godsworstchild

Book Name: The title seemed relevant and it related to what was in the book. It may seem confusing at first but it later gets clear.

Summary: The summary or description of the book was pretty clear. It also made me curious to read the book.

Plot: The plot seemed cliché at the starting but it later turned out to be different and exciting. The flow of the plot was rather consistent.

Character Development: The characters had very intricate personalities and they developed as the story went. I personally liked Y/N's character the best. She was funny and relatable at times.

Grammar and Punctuation: The grammar and punctuation were Okay. The quotation marks were misplaced quite often and there were a few typos here and there. I reccomend getting an editor/ getting your chapter edited by somebody so they don't happen (if you want your book to be perfect).

Vocabulary: The use of vocabulary was good. The adjectives used by the author were amazing.

Dialogues: The dialogues used by the characters were good. They weren't very confusing and made sense.

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