Review: Tomorrow

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Review: Only_yours or jannamae0215

Review for: 1-800-JinsDadJokes

PS. I did say that I review 'mostly in plot' but I didn't said that I review 'only the plot'. So here we go~

Title: (Tomorrow)
• I say a good gob for the title! It didn't gave too much information about the story and is really catchy.

•the description is also really good. It explains clearly the information needed without giving too much.

Character Development:
• The protagonist's character is also explained and played very well.

• I personally like Clementine's independence, though a rude one but I understand since she's been living a hard life.

• The plot is really unique. I want to give a thumbs up for the author's imagination for making such a unique plot.

• it's exciting to read that it actually give me goosebumps like I'm in the actual story.

• the way that the author explains the movements of the characters and their thought is also good, it's not boring but makes the reader eagerly wait of what's going to happen.

• I also appreciate the timeline given at the beggining of every chapter making it more convenient to imagine.

Grammar and Punctiations:
• there are some errors with grammar like when one of the characters said "What your tone miss. jeon" which the 'what' is suppose to be 'watch' but I believe it's just a typo.

• Pauses with long sentences should also be paid with attention. but rather than that, it was written very well.

Author's Technique:
• I love how the author build scenarios in the readers mind with different kind of author's technique. It makes the story more interesting to read specially because it's an adventure.

It is a Beautiful story and deserves more recognition. Although, some things is actually unrealistic (because obviously, its adventure and a fiction) it was explained very well that it become realistic in my own imagination.

I'm very glad to say that the author did a really good job at this story. Though, it's not completed yet, I, myself will definitely follow and find out what will happen in Clementine's life.

Thank you for requesting here!

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