Review: Roses For You

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Reviewer: Secret or BTS_Believer

Review For: ghostair

What I reviewed
The whole book.


Chapter 1
- The story opens quite beautifully, with Jin standing in the graveyard, it was pretty emotional.
- It’s cute how he talks to the grave, as if he was expecting an answer back.
- I have a feeling that this is going to be a sad book.

Chapter 2
- It’s pretty confusing to know who is talking in the very beginning.
- Anna seems like a nice girl and the other people are so mean.
- I’ve noticed that the chapters are relatively short.
- I’m glad the author has a note at the end, that makes me feel like he/she cares deeply about the subject.

Chapter 3
- I don’t really know if they’re in high school, college, or just a random cafeteria, maybe provide context so readers aren’t questioning the book?
- Awe, it’s so cute the way the boys interact with one another.
- I also like how Jin is concerned for a girl he doesn’t even know.

Chapter 4
- I can’t, he’s so caring for her I-
- Awe, poor Anna, he’s just trying to help.
- Oh gosh, I can’t express how happy the interaction between Jin and Anna is, Janna is cannon.
- Jin is very perceptive in this book.

Chapter 5
- Oh goodness, she’s falling for him.
- Maybe I was confused from the very beginning, is Anna Jungkook’s crush or Jin’s?
- Wow, Anna is living the Y/N life.
- Damn, Jin, talk back to those girls.
- I don’t understand how some people can be so mean to others.

Chapter 6
- He’s so considerate, I love him with my entire heart.
- I like how the author incorporated Jin’s love for cooking, it really brings out a defining trait here.
- Anna is so cute, I relate to her in a way and that is a good thing to have, a relationship between reader and character.
- Jin I-
- Jin needs to stop being so cute or else I’m gonna explode.

Chapter 7
- The main differences between the two characters is what sparks the romance and I’m glad that they are slowly falling for one another.
- Ah, the red thread theory, I like it
I love how the rose theme comes back to the latest chapter and the very first chapter.

Overall Review
    This book is fairly short, consisting of very small chapters but it was very enjoyable nonetheless. I don’t really have any bad things to say, I may have suggested one thing or another in the chapter notes but other than that, this is a fantastic book to read.

I can’t wait to see what happens with Jin and Anna, I hope that they get the love that the both of them deserve. I hope to read on as you publish more. Thank you for allowing me to read your book.

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