Chapter 1~ The begining

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/////Authors note/////
Hey guys! I decided to start a Glaggie fanfic! I am so excited and I have so many ideas but the beginning might be a bit slow and confusing but stick with me on this because it will be GOOD.
(I'm looking back on this almost a year later and cringe and laugh about how I called this story good lol😂)

*Glenn's POV*

Gunshots, I heard gunshots while laying in bed. Ever since we arrived at the prison, we haven't had to use our guns often because it is so secure. I wouldn't be concerned if it were just one or two gunshots, but this was a machine gun I was hearing.

I quickly sat up to see that Maggie was gone. I looked outside and into the hallway to see that nobody was inside. I grabbed my holster belt and my machine gun and ran outside.

There was smoke, everywhere. I could barely see through it. I still heard the shooting and the groans of the walkers.

"Maggie! MAGGIIIEEEE!" I yelled. It was a bad decision. Walkers came out of the smoke and tried to grab me. I hit their heads with the but of my gun and ran frantically, looking for someone, anyone. I heard a cry from inside the prison and rushed in.

I followed the cry and ended up in a cell. It was Judith. There was a walker trying to get to her in her crib. I grabbed the walkers shirt, threw it to the ground, and stomped its head in. Judith cried and I carefully picked her up. I tried to shush her as I searched the prison for more walkers. She was 8 months old now and didn't seem to cry as much except for at bad times like this. She calmed down and I went back outside into the smokey death pit.

It was hard to hold Judith and hold a gun at the same time but I managed. I was running through the smoke when I completely ran into someone.

"Beth!" I said and hugged her.

"I'm scared. Have you seen Maggie or my dad?" She asked and let go of me.

"No, I haven't seen anybody." I gave her my handgun. "Go back in the prison and lock yourself in a cell. Hide in there until this is all over."

"Ok!" She started to cry and I hugged her again. She ran off and once she was gone, I realized that I didn't even ask her to take Judith with her. I am glad that I ran into her though, she is my sister now and I want her to be safe.

I started to jog and again. The smoke had mostly cleared and I saw someone in the distance. They screamed and I started to run faster.

"MAGGIE!" I yelled. She was surrounded by walkers. I shifted Judith in my arms and held up my machine gun. I shot the walkers down as Maggie stabbed to last one in the head.

I ran to her. She already had tears in her eyes. She ran into my arms, practically crushing Judith between us. She cried and put her hands on the back of my neck and head. "It's okay." I soothed her. I wrapped one arm around her waist, still holding the baby. I kissed her softly once, and then again.

"Beth? My dad?" She asked and I wiped her tears away.

"Beth is okay. I found her and she went and locked herself into a cell. I don't know about Hershel. What happened?"

"We were burning the last of the bodies and there was an accident and a that caused a small explosion. It attracted walkers into one of the cell blocks from where that breach in the tombs is. That's why there was smoke and walkers." She said against my shoulder.

We rushed back over to Cell Block C and met up with the group. Everyone was okay.

"Thank god!" Rick said as him and Carl rushed to me and took Judith. "Thank you. Really." Rick said with a hand on my shoulder. I nodded as Maggie ran to Beth and Hershel. I hugged the two of them.

"Thanks." Beth handed me my gun back.

"Well I gotta protect my little sis," I grinned and put an arm around her. Beth laughed and tossed my arm over to Maggie. "On a serious note, I really care for you guys. You're the only family I have."


I walked away with maggie, holding her hand, but she stopped me. "Glenn," she said, sounding worried and lifted her black shirt. There was blood gushing from her side. She suddenly became limp and fell into my arms. The question that roamed my mind as I ran back to the cell block was, was she bit or scratched? Or was she shot?

////////Authors note////////
I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter! Remember it might be boring and confusing in the beginning, but it will get so GOOD!

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