Chapter 21

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*Maggie's POV*

I woke up in the train car.

"What happened?" I asked, rubbing my head.

"That has bomb they dropped in here put us to sleep, I think," Tara said.

I then felt someone squeezing my leg. I looked down to see small Emmie. "It's okay sweetie, your okay," I said and knelt down to her level. "Where's Glenn? Rick? Daryl? Bob?"

"They took them. We don't know how long ago," Becca said.

"We need to be ready to fight when they get back." I took Glenn's pocket watch and started to carve the wood some more.

Soon after, their were explosions that came from outside. Then gunshots. Suddenly, the door opened and Rick yelled at us to move.

"Stay with me! Hold my hands!" Glenn said to Emmie and Becca. We made it out alive and jumped the fence. We found the bag of weapons Rick had buried before they arrived at terminus and then someone came out of the woods. Carol.

Daryl ran to hug her as Rick asked, "Did you do that?" She nodded.

"You have to come with me." She said.

We walked for a while down the road and through the woods until we came across a wooden cabin. I saw Tyreese sitting on the steps with two baskets next to him. I didn't see what was inside until I got closer. Harper.

Glenn and I rushed to her and Glenn carefully picked her up and held her close, crying. He fells to his knees and I fell with him. I took Harper in my arms and she looked right into my eyes. Glenn took her again and she reached up and put her hand against the side of his cheek.

"We love you so much, Harper. We love you so much." Glenn stopped crying as Emmie caught up to us. She saw Harper and ran toward us and jumped into my lap. I hugged her and kissed her head and we all wrapped ourselves into a big hug.


Soon, we found a man named father Gabriel. He had a church and said her would take us to it in exchange for protection.

"This is my church," he said as we arrived.

"We do a quick sweep inside, then we go in," Rick said. A few people went inside and came out a couple minutes later. Glenn came back out and took Harper from me. I quickly kissed him and put a hand on Emmie's shoulder.

"What beautiful children," father Gabriel said.

"Thank you," I said softly because Gabriel seems strange. We don't know who he is. Glenn put a hand on the back of Harper's head and gave Gabriel a weird look.

"Come on," Rick said as we entered. It was just a plain wooden church with one stain glass window.

Later, rick and the others went out to a food drive a brought back enough food for weeks. We had a small party.

"Now, I look around this room and see survivors. Every single one of you." Abraham stood up. "Now if we just get Eugene to Washington, we can cure this thing. Save to world for your little ones." He looked at Harper and Judith. Harper grabbed a piece of Glenn's hair and balled it up into her little fist. I put my head on his shoulder and took a sip of my wine.

Judith cooed in Ricks lap. "What's that?" Rick asked. "I think I know what she wants to do. We'll go with you to D.C."

We all cheered and talked a little more before people started to go to bed. Harper fell asleep in Glenn's arms, so he put her in a basket we found.

"Em, wake up." I shook Emmie awake. "How about you go to sleep in a more comfy place." She nodded and I picked her up. I walked to the corner that Glenn and I picked out for our little family and laid Emmie down on a pillow and covered her with a blanket.

"Goodnight baby," I said as Glenn came over.

He set the basket with Harper in it down and kissed Emmie's forehead. "We we be here all night long, don't worry."


"Promise," Glenn said.

"Maggie!" Sasha rushed over to me. I put a finger to my lip and pointed to Emmie. Sasha pulled me aside.

"Bobs gone. I thought he just went to the bathroom but he has been gone for a long time. He has even been acting weird since the food drive." Sasha looked like she was going to cry.

"Sasha, it's going to be okay, I'm sure he is fine. Go talk to Rick, maybe he told him where he was going." I hugged her and went back to Glenn.

Then, there was a knock in the door. Rick held up a hand and everybody dribbled talking. We grabbed our guns and slowly walked to the window.

"There's something on the ground outside." Glenn slowly opened the door.

"Bob!" Sasha yelled and ran to him.

"His leg, where is his leg?" I asked frantically. The left leg had half gone.

We lifted him inside and put him on the couch in the office.

"Bob?" Sasha asked. He opened his eyes. I felt a tug on my leg and looked to see Emmie had woken up. I picked her up.

"Yes?" Bob groaned.

"Are you okay?"

"No, but save the medicine." He pulled his shirt and reveled a bite on his shoulder. Emmie buried her head in my neck and started to cry.

"We should let him rest," I said. "The people who did this can't be far, we could hunt them down."

"Good idea. Glenn, Maggie, Abraham, Sasha, and me will head out. The rest of you, stay here, in case Carol and Daryl get back. I put Emmie down and she ran to Glenn. He whispered something in her ear, and she nodded and hugged him.

"I'll go too," Tara said.

"No, I need you here, just in case something happens. Protect my kids?" Glenn said.

"Of course." Tara went into the office.


*Emmie's POV*

The group left and about five minutes later we heard voices.

"I know half of you are gone. Hello Tara, Rosita, Eugene, Carl, Becca, Emmie, Judith, Tyreese, Harper, and Bob." It was Gareth. I started to silently cry and Tara hugged me I clenched her shirt. "Look, I have enough firepower to knock both of these doors down. So you can come out, or we can make you."

That's when I heard screaming from outside. We opened the door to see Rick and the others killing the terminus group.

"Don't watch," Tara picked me up and I put my face onto her shoulder. When it was all done, I squirmed out of Tara's arms and ran to my parents. My dad knelt down.

"It's ok baby, they bad people are gone," he said and wiped my tears from my cheeks.

"Will they hurt us again?" I cried.

"No, I promise, they're gone." My dad held me close.

"This- this is the lords house," father Gabriel stuttered.

"No, it's just four walls and a roof," my mom said.

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