Chapter 9

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*Glenn's POV*

I couldn't believe what I just said about Emmie and Henry. With my head in my hands, I started to lose it.

"Hey, hey," Maggie said. She wiped my tears onto her sleeve. "It's going to be okay. We should just go talk to her. She'll understand what we meant if we just talk to her."

"But what if she doesn't forgive me and something happens to her? I wouldn't be able to live with myself." I looked at Maggie in the eyes and felt another tear roll down my cheek.

"Don't think like that, Glenn," Maggie said.

I sighed and wiped my face with my sleeve.

"You know everything's going to work out right?" She moved my black hair from my face and kissed me. She grabbed my hand and we headed toward our cell.

"Emmie?" I asked as I entered the cell. There was a lump under the covers of her bed. "Emmie, sweetheart I'm sorry. You didn't understand, I meant-" I stopped when I lifted the covers to find a pile a pillows. "Emmie!"

Her backpack was gone! Her gun, her knife! I searched the room frantically and said, "Emerson Rhee, get out here right now!" Nothing happened.

"I can't find her anywhere. Nobody has seen her." Maggie entered the cell.

We ran outside. "Tyreese! Have you seen Emmie?" Tyreese was in the watchtower.

"No. What happened?"

"Look, did you see anybody leave the prison?" I asked.

"Well, I thought I saw someone leave about half an hour ago, but when I looked back a second later, they were gone. I just assumed that it was nobody." Tyreese looked at me.

"Oh no!" I paced around in circles.

"What happened?"

"She ran away! Emmie ran away!" I yelled. I rushed back to the prison. "Rick!" I yelled. "Rick!"

"What?" Rick appeared from upstairs.

"I'm taking a car. Emmie ran away," I stated.

"Wait she what?!"

"She ran away!"


I walked off before I answered him. I took two machine guns from the armory, two knives, and two handguns. I handed one of each to Maggie and we took a red truck.

We got on the road together. We went in the direction that Tyreese told us she went. Please be okay. I thought over and over again to myself.

The Hope For Survival (Glenn Rhee) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now