Chapter 13

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*Maggie's POV*

"Mommy!" I heard as Emmie jumped onto the bed next to me. "Can I listen?" I nodded and pulled up my shirt, reviling my huge baby bump. Emmie put her ear to it and squealed in excitement every time the baby kicked.

She ran off as Glenn came in. He sat down next to me on the bed as he leaned down and kissed my baby bump. "So what are we going to do about baby names?"

"I was thinking, and I found a name I like." I said.


"The first name could be Harper and the middle name could be Roseanne. Harper Roseanne Rhee."

"I like it. I thought of a good boy name. The first name could be Joseph and we call him Joey and the middle name could be Nicholas. Joseph Nicholas Rhee." Glenn said.

"I like it." I kissed him and rubbed my baby bump.

"You know, I know a good trick to find out if it is a boy or a girl." Glenn stood up and found a chain. He grabbed my hand and took my wedding ring, sliding it on the chain. "If I dangle this over your stomach and the baby kicks while it is dangling over the bump, it's a girl. If there is no kick, it's a boy."

"That is such a lie!" I said and laid back. I pulled my shirt up and Glenn placed a hand on my stomach. He dangled the ring over the bump. The baby kicked.

"Well hello there Miss Harper Roseanne Rhee." He kissed my bump again and laid down next to me. "I love you both."


*Emmie's POV*

I heard a cry. I shot up in bed. "Mom!" I yelled. She was screaming. Dad sat up in bed next to her.

"What's wrong?" He said.

"The baby! I think it's time!" She clenched her teeth together. Dad put a hand on her bump, trying to calm her.

"I'll get Hershel!" I ran out of the cell. "HERSHEL! COME QUICK!" He came from his cell and I pulled him into our room.

"Daddy, what do I do?"Mom yelled to Hershel. I started to cry as Henry pulled me close. "I don't know if I will make it. I need to talk to Emmie and Henry."

"I'll give you no more then a couple of minutes." Hershel left and I sat in the bed and cried.

"Baby, don't be afraid. You're going to be okay." She wiped my tears. "You are going to get so far in this world, I know it. You are so smart. Smashing the clock to get the glass pieces, that was so smart. Stay strong baby girl."She held my hand. "You are so brave. You are the bravest little girl I have ever met, and I love you." She started to cry too, and she pulled me down to hug me. "I love you baby."

Henry pulled me away as Hershel rushed in. He pulled me out of the cell and into an empty cell. I cried into my brothers chest as he held me. I heard the screams suddenly stop. Then a baby started to cry.

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