Chaptet 67

481 22 15

I had passed out from exhaustion in the truck but was soon shaken awake.

"Get up kid!" The man yelled and pulled me to my feet. He dragged to an unknown place because I was blindfolded. I heard a door open and we walked into a building. Soon, I heard another door and the man spoke again. "Hey redneck!" He said.

The blindfold was ripped from my head and I saw Daryl. "Daryl!" Yelled through the gag.

"You let her go! She ain't done nothing to you!" Daryl yelled.

"Sorry, but I can't do that," the man said. He dragged me out of the room and into an empty one. He pulled out a knife.

"What do you want from me?" I asked.

"Nothing," he said. "I want your dad to give in. And the only way to do that is to do this." He grabbed my wrist and pressed the knife to it. I screamed out in pain as he continued to cut my wrists. I looked down to see he was writing something. I couldn't make it out because my blood covered the cuts. My wrists were stinging like crazy by the time he was done. I held my worst close to me causing blood to get on my face. I revived a punch to the mouth.

I had given up. All the fight in me was gone. He grabbed my hair and pulled me into the hall again. Thai time, we entered a different room.

Inside was a man sitting on the ground all best up. He looked up and his eyes widened when he saw me. Daddy.

"She yours?" The man asked him.

Daddy didn't answer, causing the mans to hold his bloody knife to my neck.

He quickly answered. "Yes! Don't hurt her more!"

The man cracked an evil smile and threw me to the ground. I heard the door close and the click of four locks.

Daddy rushed to me and scooped me up. "Baby girl, I'm so sorry. It's over."

"It'll never be over," I whimpered. "It's my own fault. I snuck out and went looking for you and got taken."

He carried me to the corner where a small plate of gross looking food and a bit of water was.

"What did he do?" He asked and propped me up.

"Cut my wrist and punched me. Said he he wanted to get to you," I told him.

"This will sting." He picked up the can of water and poured it on my wrist.

I screamed from the pain and buried my head in daddy's chest. Next, he ripped a piece of cloth from his shirt sleeve and dabbed at the wound. I kept sobbing from the pain. I heard him gasp and I looked at my arm.

It had "give up" carved into it. Daddy ripped his other sleeve and wrapped up my arm.

After my arm was tightly wrapped he looked at my face. He lightly ran his finger over my split lip. I winced at his touch.

"Don't worry Addie, I won't let them touch you again," he said softly and held me close.

"Promise?" I whimpered into his shirt.

"Cross my heart."

Poor Addie :(
Pleaseee comment ideas. Comment your favorite character and least favorite. If u comment your favorite character I'll put them in the story more!

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