Chapter 62

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Probably last update today


I didn't speak much the next morning , not even to the kids. Tara had come over to help out so I was laying on my made bed, silently crying.

"They'll be back," I told myself.

"Momma?" Addie peaked her head in. "Are you going to go to church with us?"

Since father Gabriel came with us the the ASZ, he started doing Sunday services in the school building.

"Ya, I'll be right out honey," I said. She nodded and disappeared into the hall.

I stood up and fixed my hair. Once I was ready to leave, I gathered everyone up.

"I'll take them if you don't want to go," I told Tara.

"No, I'll go. We'll pray for your family, " She said.

I hugged her. "Thank you."


I tried to listen to what father Gabriel said, but it was hard.

"And let us pray for our fellow friends Daryl Dixon, Glenn Rhee, Dylan Rhee, and Emerson Rhee, and that they may make it back safe and sound." Was the part I listened to.

When the service was done, I went with the kids and Tara out by the small park. Addie, Michael, and Harper ran off to play. Alice was watching little Mia today.

"I still think we should go after them," I told them.

"Maggie, their with Daryl Dixon, he ain't going to let anything happen to them," Tara said. "And ya know, I heard someone talking about a couple deer wandering around, and you know how Daryl feels about deer. He loves them. They're probably tracking one of them." We laughed at her comment about Daryl.

"Back at the farm, Daryl used to-" I was cut of by an extremely loud high pitched scream. I spun around to see a walker by the fence, but inside the fence behind a house. It was holding onto a little girls foot, trying to bite her ankle. "Addie!" I screamed.

*Emmie's POV*

I felt water drip on my nose and I opened my eyes. I was sprinkling ran.

"Dylan, Dylan wake up," I said and poked his cheek.

"What?" He asked. He must of thought we were at home because he shifted on the tree branch without opening his eyes. Dylan shifted again but more suddenly this time, causing me to slip out of the rope and start to fall.

"Dylan!" I screamed. He snapped awake and grabbed my arm. I was now dangling fifty feet above the air. He pulled me up by the arm and hugged me to him.

"Sorry," he laughed.

We climbed down from the tree and started away from the tree, knowing my scream would attract walkers.

I was about to take Dylan's hand but let it drop down to my side again. I knew he probably didn't want told hold my hand. He wasn't the most cuddly teenager ever.

He must've seen me try and take his hand because he reached down and and took it anyway. I smiled up at him and we kept walking.

That's when there was a sudden high pitched scream coming from not too far away.

"Come one!" I told Dylan and pulled on his arm. We started to sprint towards the source of the screaming.

We still don't know where Glenn and Daryl are....well, I do. Comment what you think will happen to Glenn and Daryl and if you get CLOSE, I'll give you a SHOUTOUT!!!!

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