Chapter 92

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*Glenn's POV*

After our little 'moment', Maggie fell asleep and I just watched her. Not in a creepy way, but because in this world you never know which day will be the last time you see someone you love.

I slowly got up out of bed and put my shirt and sweatpants back on. It was late at night so I could only see by using the moonlight that shined through the curtains.

I shuffled out into the hall to get a glass of water when I noticed a light coming from Emmie and Harpers room. I quietly went inside to find the light coming from Emmie's flashlight.

It seemed that she had fallen asleep while reading because she was half sitting up and half laying down with her arms sprawled out, hanging over the side of the bed. I picked up her book from her lap and set it on the bedside table. I then turned off the flashlight and put it away in the drawer.

She let out a sigh, followed by a smile in her sleep, making my heart melt at her cuteness.

I knelt down next to the bed and carefully tucked her arms under the covers, then lightly shifting her position so she was on her side. Her arms felt cold so I grabbed an extra blanket from the dresser and laid it out on top of her.

Finally, I leaned down and kissed her head before she let out a soft, "I love you daddy."

"Love you too baby girl."


I heard the cry of Mia early the next morning.

"It's your turn," I said in my morning voice.

"Nope, I did it last time. When I said I remembered everything, I meant that I remember everything. Even that I got up with Mia last time," she mumbled and I smiled.

I slowly rolled out if bed and got up to face the day. My watch said it was 6:00, which means that I'm still half asleep. Somehow, I made my way to Mia's crib and picked her up.

"It's okay, daddy's here," I said and yawned.

I shuffled out I tot the kitchen and made a bottle of formula. Then, I went to the couch and stuck the bottle in Mia's mouth. I took in the peace and quiet while I could because I knew that Harper would be awake soon.

Soon enough, Harper skipped out and jumped onto the couch. She perched her chin on my shoulder and batted her eyelashes. "Hi daddy!"

"What do you want?" I laughed. Whenever she batts her eyelashes, you know that she wants something.

"Food!" She squealed.

"What kind of food?"

She tapped her chin with her little finger. "Umm....eggs!"

I nodded and put Mia in her high-chair. I started to crack the eggs and put them in the pan.

"Can I help and give them to mommy?" Harper asked.

"Of course," I replied and picked her up with one arm and scrambled the eggs with the other. Once they were done, I got a spoonful of them and gave it to Harper. "Are they good?"

"Yep!" She smiled. I gave her a kiss and set her down. "Go give these to mommy." I have her a plate of eggs and she ran off.

A few minutes later, everyone was awake.

"Does Harper have to stomp around the house this early?" Dylan complained.

"Glenn, Tara said there is a lunch party with all of us, her, Eugene, Rosita, Abraham, Rick, Carl, Judith, Michonne, Carol, Daryl, Tyreese, and Sasha. It's in a few hours so everyone be ready!" Maggie said and put her empty plate on the counter.


*Emmies POV*

We got to the lunch where there was a giant table for us all. The first thing I did was jump on Tara's back and covered her eyes.

"Guess who!" I said in a low voice.

"Well it sounds like Daryl but I'm guessing Daryl wouldn't jump on my back so......Emmie!" She said and I laughed.

"I don't sound like Daryl!" I said. Once we were done laughing I sat down between Dylan and daddy.

Everyone was catching up and laughing together like the apocalypse wasn't even happening. It was like that night back at the church.

"Don't get drunk daddy," I said and playfully nudged his shoulder.

"Never. Rick, Carl, Carol, and Daryl remember the last time I was drunk back at the CDC. I had the worst hangover and was throwing up all over the RV the next day. I am never getting drunk again," daddy said earning a chuckle from everyone.

"Can I have some?" I asked and pointed to the wine.

"," daddy said and moved the glass.

"Come on Glenn, what's one sip going to hurt?" Tara asked.

"Fine, one sip Em."

Everyone watched as I tasted the wine. It was the most disgusting thing ever! I spit it right out back into the glass and gagged.

"That's my girl," she said, taking the wine glass and drank another sip.

"Daddy, I just spit in that," I said.

"Your spit it my spit Em," he replied and everyone laughed.

I joined in the laughter until my head started to spin. And then......darkness.


This is written from the website on my phone so I'm sorry of there is something wrong with it!

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