Chapter 56

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I woke up to someone shaking me annoyingly.

"Stopppp!!!" I groaned and swatted the person away.

"Get up!" I was then hit with a pillow on the face.

"Ow!" I sat up and rubbed my forehead. It took me a second to process that I was in mom and dad's bedroom.

"Why do I get the worst morning job?" Dylan asked.

"Which is?"

"Waking you up," he told me and walked out.

I went out into the kitchen to find I was the last one up. I looked down the hall to see Aunt Alice and Uncle Josh moving their stuff outside.

"Where are you going?" Dad asked aunt Alice.

"We are moving into a friends house," she replied.

"What? Why?"

"Glenn, my friend only has one kid and they have and extra bedroom. That's six people in a house and you have eight just in your family." Aunt Alice handed another box to uncle Josh. "You need the extra bedroom."

"Thanks Alice," daddy said and gave her a hug.

"Come and get your food!" Michael yelled.

I quickly ate my eggs and got dressed.

"Momma, do I have to go the school?" I asked and gave her the puppy eyes.

"Yes you do," she replied and tapped my nose.

"We're going to be late!" Dylan yelled from the door.

"Bye Harper, bye Mia, bye mommy, bye daddy!" I gave then each a kiss on the cheek and walked out the door.

I walked down to the building where they have the schools. They have four classrooms. One for Kindergarden to 2nd, one for 3rd to 5th, one for 6th to 8th, and one for 9th to 12th.

Dylan dropped me off at the 3rd to 5th and I sat down in the back of the room.

I saw someone sit down next to me and looked to see a girl about my age with brown hair and green eyes.

"Hi!" She said.

"Hi, I'm Emerson, but you can call me Emmie," I said.

"I'm Emily, I saw you in school a while back but then you stopped coming," she said referring to when I was kidnapped.

"Oh ya........I had, family problems," I lied.

"Alright, everyone take your seats!" The teacher said. "As you all know my name is Mrs. Smith and I'm your teacher!" She seemed nice enough.

The school day was really boring but I got to know Emily better and now we are good friends.

When it was about 3 o'clock, Mrs. Smith let us go home.

"Are you going to the bonfire tonight?" Emily asked.

"Ya, I'm excited!" I replied. I saw Dylan, Michael, and Addie waving me over. "Gotta go, see ya then!"

We got home and the first thing mom said was, "how was school?"

"I like the feeling that everything is normal here, but not so normal that school is involved!" I said and fell back on the couch.

"The bonfire party starts in and hour so go get ready!" Mom said.

I got dressed in a nice outfit and helped Harper get into one herself. When I was done, I did school work until it was time to leave.

I jumped on Dylan's back as we walked down the street. Let's see what this bonfire is all about.

I'm sorry it's been so boring lately but I can't think of any filler chapter ideas leading up to what will happen next. Please stick with me.

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