Chapter 48

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This chapter might be a bit confusing but it will clear up in the end. The next chapter after this has a HUGE PLOT TWIST. At least in my opinion. Enjoy!

*Emmie's POV*

I had been sitting in the room for what felt like a day when I suddenly felt sick. I clenched my stomach and tried to keep myself from throwing up. Suddenly, I was freezing and sweating at the same time.

Is this it? Am I turning into a walker?

I then had a coughing fit and coughed up a bit of blood.

Richard came in. "We found your camp. And we have a few visitors." He gave me a devious smile. "Bring them in!"

Two men came in holding three families babies. My baby siblings.

"Let then go!" I screamed.

"Sorry, can't do that!" He said. Doctor Edwards then came in carrying a tray with 4 syringes.

"W-what's that?" I asked nervously.

"I asked Dr. Edwards to create something that can slowly and painfully kill you. To get revenge on your group. To make them realize we are a threat to them," Richard said and picked up a syringe. He then injected it into Dylan's arm.

"NOOOOO!!!" I screamed and tried to quickly shake myself free of the chains. He then did the same to Michael and Mis. The room was filled with baby screams as Richard walked towards me.

"Don't worry, you'll be with them soon," he said. He was about to injected it into me when I bit down on his arm and grabbed the syringe. I quickly got a good grip and stabbed it into his heart.

He fell down to the ground in pain and I stomped on his neck. Everyone was in shock so I grabbed Richards gun and shot everyone but Dr. Edwards.

"Why would you do this? You were nice to me and Beth!" I said between sobs.

"Emerson, that won't kill them," he said to me. "I don't know what it will do to them, but it won't kill them. I lied to Richard. They'll be okay.

I picked up my siblings. "I'm going to my old house from before all this started. I know where it is from here. If my parents come here, them them that where I am!" I said and he took me outside.

"Take a horse, I'll get some baskets for the babies," he said. I zipped Addie in my coat because she was the smallest as Dr. Edwards attached two baskets to the saddle of the horse.

I carefully placed Dylan and Michael in the baskets and jumped on the horse.

"Thanks," I said before taking off.

I kept one arm around my stomach to secure Addie to my chest and held the reins with the other.

I soon passed by my old school and minutes later, I was at my old neighborhood. I stopped the horse before I was inside and felt a tear slip down my face.

I rode down the long, twisty road until I came across my house. A few walkers noticed me so I quickly unlatched the tall fence to the backyard and ride inside. You couldn't see through the backyard fence so the walkers didn't know the horse was there.

I took the bobby pin out of my hair and picked the lock on the door. Next, I took the babies in my arms and went inside.

Nothing had changed. We had locked the doors before we left so it was like nothing ever happened.

I set the babies inside baskets and walked around. There was hardly any food left because Henry and I took it all before we left. I opened a drawer and took out a knife and put it in my holster.

It made me tear up to be back in my own home. I made sure my siblings were okay on the couch and started up the stairs. As I walked, I looked at all the family pictures on the wall. I stopped when I saw my two favorite ones.

The first was a picture of me, Henry and daddy sitting on a bridge. The second one was after my ballet recital when I was four. Daddy was kissing my nose while he held me in the air. I took the two pictures off the wall and put them in a duffel bag I found in the hall closet.

My room was the first thing I saw when I went upstairs. The first thing I did was get into a new outfit. It was hard to pick because all I had were dresses and skirts. Not a great choice for the apocalypse. Next, I rummaged around in my dresser drawer for my favorite stuffed bear.

Once I was done in my room, I remembered the safe in my daddy's closet that had two handguns in it. I quickly ran to his room and unlocked the safe, taking out the guns and ammo.

I heard a cry from downstairs and got the babies. I put them in my room.

"Addie, you gotta be quiet or they'll hear you!" I told her and rocked her back and forth. "I know you're hungry but I don't have formula." She eventually fell back asleep and I put her in her basket.

That's when I decided I needed some sleep myself. I plopped down on my bed until I started to cry. All the emotions that I've held in just came pouring out.

I ran down the hall and jumped onto daddy's big bed like I used to when I was scared or sad.

I snuggled into the covers and pretended that daddy was there with me.

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