Chapter 80

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"Walkers inside the fence!" Someone yelled from outside and a chorus of screams followed.

I ran to the window to see dozens of walkers on the street. "Emerson get away from there!" Mom yelled and pulled me back. She closed the curtains. "Dylan, get Michael, Mia, and Harper now!"

Mom went to the hall closet and got out a basket of knives and guns. She grabbed three guns and gave them to me, Michael, and Dylan. Next, she pulled out a knife and knelt down in front of Harper.

"Baby take this, just in case. Remember what daddy taught you?" Harper took the knife and tucked it in her pocket. I know she's only two and a half, but she's is smart enough to use a knife. She's killed a walker before.

"You guys know the plan right. They should've taught you in school." We nodded.

In school, the show us the plan in case walkers get past the wall. There are designated houses by emergency exits around the walls that people are assigned to go to.

"Dylan, you take Mia, Michael, you take Harper's hand. Don't let go no matter what. I take Emmie. Got it?" Mom said. We gathered at the door. "Ready, 1....2....3, go!"

We swung the door open and sped down the street. I felt a walker grab me. I screamed before putting my gun under its chin and pulling the trigger. The continuous sound I gunshots filled the area. Mom gripped my hand tighter and pulled me along a little to fast because I tripped and fell flat on my face. I turned over to find myself face to face with another walker. I grabbed my knife and plunged it into its head. Then, I was pulled to my feet.

"Are you okay?" Mommy asked.

"Ya, but where's Dylan and Michael?" I lasted noticing the were no long in front of us. She looked around franticly as a herd surrounded us. The house that we were supposed to go to and where Dylan and Michael probably went was about two houses down.

"Maggie!" I heard. I turned to see Tara at the door of a house behind us. My mom picked me up and ran to Tara.

"Did you see Dylan, Michael, Harper, and Mia?" She asked Tara as the door was boarded up.

"I saw them run down the street when Emmie fell!" Tara said. "I'm sure they are just fine."

"Tom radioed me. They found a breach in the wall." Rick and Carl came out of the kitchen if the house we were in.

"That's good right? They can patch it up, figure out why it broke," Tara said.

"Not exactly." Rick rubbed the back of his head. "The wall didn't just 'break', someone smashed it in. By the looks of it, with a hammer."

"How would someone make all that noise with a hammer and not have the people on watch notice?" Mom asked.

"That what we can't figure out. We know that someone broke the wall, not the walkers," Rick said. He went to the window and pulled back the curtain slightly, being careful not to let the walkers see him. "Oh my god."

"What's wrong?" Mom asked.

"There's so many. Someone had to of lead them here. There's got to be at least 100." Rick closed the curtain again.

"How is that even possible?" Tara asked.

"I don know," Rick replied. "But for now we have to stay away from the windows and stay quiet."

I curled up on the couch next to my mom and leaned on her shoulder.

She must've felt her shirt getting wet from my tears 'cause she liked down. "Hey, it'll be alright. They'll clear the walkers out, and we'll find Dylan, Michael, Harper, and Mia. Okay?"

I nodded. "I wish daddy were here."

"Me too honey."

*Maggie's POV*

We all sat in silence for a long time until there was a loud 'bang' on the door.

Emmie was drifting off the sleep when it happened so she shot up, about to scream. Before she made a sound I covered her mouth.

"'s okay. They won't get in," I said and stroked her hair. Poor kid was so scared. She was shaking. We all knew of a group of them broke down the door, we would all be dead.

"Mommy, I'm so scared," She whispered.

"Hey Em, it's alright," Tara whispered and sat down next to us. "Remember when we played that game where you close your eyes and we each say a place, then we imagine what that place would look like?"

"Yeah," Emmie whimpered.

"How about we play?"

They played their game quietly on the couch until the banging on the door started again.

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