Chapter 40

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I gasped at the sight of the scratch. I felt tears form in my eyes as I heard someone calling my name.

"Emmie?!" Daryl whisper yelled.

"Up here!" I said.

He stood under the tree. "Come on. Jump down, I'll catch you." I hesitated to jump. "Hurry, before all those walkers come back!" I then jumped and he caught me. I started to cry onto his shoulder. "It's okay, it's alright."

We soon made it back to the ASZ (Alexandra safe zone), and Carol called me into the infirmary.

Carol knelt down in front of me. "Sweetie I don't want you to be scared but....." She trailed off.

"What?" I whimpered.

"Your parents are both in comas," she said and a tear rolled down her face.

"No!" I sobbed and Carol hugged me tight.

Carol carried me into a room where my parents were both on two twin beds.

"I'll leave you with them for a minute," she said and put me down. The door clicked shut.

I sat down on the end of my fathers bed. I looked down at my sliver bracelet that daddy and mommy gave me at the prison.


I sat on the balcony of the watchtower looking out at the woods when mom and daddy came and sat down on both sides of me.

"Whatcha doin'?" Mommy asked me.

"Sittin'" I replied. "What do ya need?"

"Well, we just came to tell you we're here. Always with you," daddy said.

"I'm always with you too," I replied.

"We love you Emmie, we will do anything we can to protect you. And there ain't a person in this world that could tell us otherwise," mommy said.

Daddy took my hand and placed a small wrapped package in it. I looked at him. "Open it," he said. I carefully opened the package to see that a silver bracelet with three charms that said: faith, hope, and love.

"I love it!" I said and hugged them both. "But I love you guys more!"

~~End of Flashback~~

I stood between the two beds and dropped my stuff. I ran to the bed my mom was laying in and pushed it against the one dad was laying. I took one of each of their hands and made it so their fingers laced together so they were holding hands.

"Whatever you do, you gotta do it together. Whether you live or you die, you gotta do it together. Don't worry about me, Alice and the others will look after me, Harper, and the new baby." I felt a waterfall of tears fall down my cheeks. "You don't have to fight if you don't want to," I said and my voice cracked. "Please just know that I love you both more than anybody else!" I crawled onto the bed between them and snuggled close.

"But, please stay." I felt my eyelids become heavy and drifted off the sleep, completely forgetting about the walker scratch on my arm.

Poor Emmie. The picture to the side is the actual bracelet that Emmie got. There is a story behind it too. My baby sister is about the age Judith is in the show and the first day I met her I got this bracelet. I still have it and it inspired this chapter. My baby sister is the best thing that has ever happened to me so I dedicate this chapter to her 😊

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