Chapter 24

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I knelt down next to Emmie as her eyes fluttered open.

"Daddy?" She whispered.

"It's okay baby girl, I'm here," I said between sobs. I pulled her fragile body into my arms. "You're going to be okay."

"What even happened?" She whimpered.

"The bus flipped, you wouldn't wake up," I explained and tucked her hair behind her ear.

She looked to my right. "Mommy!" She reached out to Maggie. Maggie took her in her lap. She is so small. She looks like she is six. I hope she stays that way.

"Hey baby," Maggie said. "You need to rest, go to sleep."

"I don't want you to leave!"

"We won't leave, we will be with you here all night," I said soothingly. She nodded and laid back down. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight," she whispered.


I was laying on my stomach next to Maggie who was on her back. I had my arm protectively across her chest as she held my hand.

"I know you aren't asleep," I said with my eyes closed.

"Really?" She mumbled.

"Don't worry. We will find Beth, we will save to world, then we will go back to our family." I propped myself up on my side.

"We don't know that. Beth is most likely dead. Daryl said she was kidnapped. They probably murdered her. We don't know if we will find her Glenn, dead or alive," she said.

"Hey, hey. Don't say that. We will. She isn't dead, okay, she is strong." I leaned down and hovered over her face. She put one arm around my neck and pulled her lips onto mine. "I love you, Maggie."

"I love you too."


"Well, well, well. Look at what we have here," I heard a low voice laugh. I opened my eyes to see three people surrounding me, Maggie, and Emmie. "Looks like we got ourselves a family here boys!"

Maggie and Emmie then woke up. The man grabbed Emmie and she screamed. We were all thrown to our feet and brought to the entrance of the library. There, was Rosita, Tara, Abraham, and Eugene kneeling with guns to their heads. We were pushed down next to them.

I gun was put to my head as the leader paced back and forth in front of us. He then knelt down in front of me.

"Do you remember me china man?" He asked.

"I'm Korean," I spat.

"Remember back at the bar, when you killed my buddies Dave and Tony?" He asked.

Then I recognized him. Back at the farm when Rick and I went to get Hershel after Beth collapsed, this guy shot at me (these guys are from season 2 btw).

"Where are your two buddies that were with you? Where are they now!" He yelled into my face. "I'm going to get back at you for that." He stood up.

He then grabbed Emmie by the shoulder. She screamed as he slapped her.

"You leave her be!" I yelled. I felt the gun pushed harder onto the side of my head.

"Now, I heard that the one way to kill a father, is to kill what he loves most. Their child." He punched Emmie in the face and she fell to the ground with a thud.

I looked at the people kneeling beside me and nodded once. That means that in five seconds, use the weapon hidden in your boot. I counted, 1.....2....3......4.....5. I grabbed the knife that was in my boot and stabbed the man holding me right in the forehead. He instantly fell to the ground and I grabbed his gun.

I pointed at the man hurting my daughter. Then, he shot Emmie right in the shoulder.

"Noooooo!" I screamed.

She screamed. I saw someone run up behind Maggie and quickly shot him in the head. I went to shoot the leader, but when I pulled the trigger, I realized I was out of bullets.

I dropped the gun and tackled the man to the ground. I wrapped my hands around his neck and he pushed my face back. I felt his fingers on my chin and I but down on them. He screamed as I ripped off his fingers with my teeth. I watched as he fell onto his back in pain. Then, I stomped his face in with my boot.

I looked around the room to see that all those men were dead. I looked at Emmie who was holding her shoulder that was soaked with blood. She watched me with wide, scared eyes. I reached out but she backed away.

"Emmie, don't be afraid," I said calmly. I stepped forward and she took off running.

What I did to that man made her scared of me. Now she ran away and she is gone. Alone.

The Hope For Survival (Glenn Rhee) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now