Chapter 84

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I heard a 'thud' and looked up to see daddy with Harper on his back.

"She's alive!" I said and wiped my eyes. I heard moans and saw walkers coming towards us. "We gotta get out of here!"

Daddy picked up mom, bridal style and I picked up Harper. "Follow me, stay close." He said and I nodded.

We rushed around the perimeter to where the breach in the wall was. I lead daddy to where the house we were originally supposed to go to.

"Hey! Let us in! Please!" I screamed and pounded on the door.

It was quickly opened and we rushed inside.

I was wrapped in a strong embrace. "Emmie we thought you were dead!" Tara said and squeezed me tighter.

When she let go I saw Michael and Dylan hugging dad. I tapped Dylan's shoulder. "What about me?"

He whipped around and spun me around. "Emmie, you're alive!"

I went up to Michael and slapped him. "You let go of Harper you idiot! She could've died!" I tackled him to the ground.

"Emerson stop!" I heard dad yell and I was pulled away.

"You're a lot like Dylan. He did the exact same thing," Sasha said.

I crossed my arms over my chest and sat on Dylan's lap on the couch. I looked at mom who was still passed out next to us and sighed.

*Glenn's POV*

I didn't full understand why Emmie was mad Michael, but I got the gist of it.

Then I heard a baby cry and saw Michonne carrying Mia out of a bedroom. I rushed over and practically snatched her from Michonne.

I held her head on the crook of my neck and kissed her temple. I'm just glad that someone thought to take care of her. In this world a baby is the first thing people would probably leave behind because they cry every few hours.

"What happened to her?" Rosita asked while tending to Maggie.

"We don't know," I said. I nodded at Emmie and she told the whole story. Even though we know Maggie's alive at the moment, Emmie reared up when she spoke.

"By the looks of what happened, she somehow managed to climb the wall, then probably fell down, and hit her head," Rosita said. "She's passed out because of the impact that hit her head."

"How do you know she hit her head?" I asked.

"There's a huge bump on the back of her head. She hit it really hard. I don't know how much damage it caused," Rosita said. "We will just have to wait and see what happens."

I started school back up today, and I've learned one thing: school sucks!!!! I miss being on break!

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