Chapter 30

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*Daryl's POV*

I was scared to make the trade for Beth, Carol, and Emmie. It is not going to go well.

"One of mine, for one of yours," Dawn said.

Carol came first and I pushed an officer over to Dawn. Next came Beth. Rick stepped forward and whispered something in her ear as she nodded. They pushed Emmie forward and I pulled her in for a side hug. She hugged me tight and I heard her whimper.

We started to walk away when Dawn said, "Now I just need Noah."

"No. We had a deal," Rick stepped forward.

"Noah was my helper and Beth took his place. Now I need him back."

Noah stepped forward. "It's okay," he said.

"Wait!" Beth stepped forward and hugged him. Emmie followed.

Beth stepped away crying. She went to Dawn and Emmie stood right behind her.

"I get it now," Beth said.

"Beth, just step away," Emmie said and tried to pull Beth away.

Then, Beth took a pair of scissors and stabbed Dawn's vest. Dawn then quickly shot Beth right in the head. The bullet was angled down so it went through Beth's head and hit Emmie also. They both fell to the ground. We stood in shock for a second until I took out my gun, ignoring Dawns begging, and shot her in the head.

*Glenn's POV*

I held Maggie's hand as we got out of the truck. Carl stayed with the babies in the back while we went up to the building.

I saw maggie smiling as Rick stepped out of the hospital. He shook his head as the rest came out. I saw Maggie drop her rifle as Daryl came out carrying Beth's dead body. Maggie started to scream and she fell to the ground. I felt tears fall from my eyes as I held Maggie close.

Then, the thing that broke me. Sasha came out carrying Emmie's body. My tears were like small waterfalls on my cheeks. I ran to Tyreese and took my daughters body. I fell to the ground and hugged Emmie. "No, no, no, no, no!" I cried. "Please no! You can't do this to me!" My own flesh and blood, gone. I never got to say goodbye. The last time I saw her was when she ran away, afraid of me.

I felt a shaking hand on my shoulder as Maggie fell down next to me. She was still sobbing. Daryl set Beth's body down in front of Maggie as Maggie hugged her sister.

/////Authors note/////
😱😱😱😱 this chapter tho! I have everything planned out for what is ahead so please keep reading! Lots of unexpected things will happen! Comment your reactions and thoughts to this chapter plz!

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