Chapter 25

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*Emmie's POV*

I clutched my shoulder as I ran. As I ran from my own father. Why would he scare me like that? Why would he rip someone's fingers off and step on his head. Why not just shoot him? I want my mom.

I halted to a stop in the middle of the woods. I looked around at the dead leaves and the trees. I was lost and shot. I felt the blood from my shoulder soaking my shirt as I stumbled across the woods.

I started to get dizzy a while later and then I wouldn't stand. I had lost to much blood. My vision and hearing were funny. That's when I heard the muffled sound of a car, then footsteps, then voices. Two people leaned over me and I managed one word. "Help." It barely came out.

One picked me up and I felt him handcuff me to the inside of the car. I was to tired to fight them. I just wanted to sleep.


*Maggie's POV*

Emmie is gone. She's gone. Glenn accidentally scared her away. Now, Glenn sat in a corner crying. I went and sat beside him.

"You were just trying to protect her." I rubbed his back.

"But I scared her away. It's dark out, we can't just go out in the dark and look for her. All the tracking skills Daryl taught me don't work in the dark. By morning, she will most likely bleed out," he said.

"Don't think that way, she probably is running back to the church. We are going to find her, and she will be just fine." I turned his head so he would look at me. I grabbed his chin and pulled him into a kiss.

*Glenn's POV*

I walked up and down the hallway of the library. I soon decided to go upstairs. The group had stuck to not going upstairs, but I needed to be alone. I went into the employees only room and found the managers office. I sat down in the swirly chair and put my head in my hands.

Suddenly, I heard rustling coming from the closet. I got out my gun and noticed there was rope tied around the doorknobs to hold it shut. I held up my guns and took the rope of the knob. Slowly, I opened the door and heard breathing inside.

I heard the shuffling of footsteps as a blindfolded child stumbled out. She had roped tied around her wrists that were tied to a small cabinet in the closet.

I reached out. "It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you," I said soothingly. I heard the girls whimpers as I put my hands on hr shoulders. I carefully took the blindfold off the girl and she had tears running down her face and onto the ground.

I reached out to her again. "Please don't beat me!" I said franticly. Poor girl.

"I'm not going to hurt you. My name is Glenn. What's your name?" I asked and untied her hands.

"Scout," she whispered.

"How old are you?"

"Five." When I reached out to her again and she flinched.

"Please, don't be afraid of me. I promise nobody here will hurt you," I said and she relaxed. "I've got people with me. You can come with us and be safe."

She nodded and took my hand. I then thought of Emmie and felt myself tearing up. I quickly wiped my tears with my free hand as I lead sophia down the stairs and to the group.

Abraham turned to look at me but narrowed his eyes at Scout. "Who the heck is this?!" I yelled. Scout whimpered and hid behind me. My fatherly instincts came out and I put a hand on her shoulder.

"She was tied up in the office closet upstairs. Who knows how long she has been there," I said.

"Now way Glenn, we are not bringing another child with us. Look what happened last time!" Abraham yelled in my face.

"Abraham! We are not just going to leave a small child to fend for them self." Rosita stepped in.

"If she makes one move, or if she gets someone killed. She is out." Abraham let out a huge sigh and went in the next room.

Maggie came over and knelt down next to Scout. "Hi, my name is Maggie. I'm Glenn's wife. What your name sweetie?"

She stepped out from behind me and smiled at Maggie. "I'm Scout!" She said happily as if she had forgotten about Abraham yelling already.

"That's a pretty name! This is Tara, Rosita, Eugene, and the grouch over there is Abraham. Don't pay any attention to him," Maggie said and Scout laughed.

"Come on!" We are moving out!" Abraham rushed in and started to throw everyone's bags to the owners. "There is a fire truck, and we are going to take it."

We started to head to the door when Scout started to cry. "No, no, no! You can't go! You can't leave me! Glenn promised that he wouldn't leave me!" She cried and fell to her knees.

I rushed over to her and knelt down. "Scout, we aren't leaving you, you are going to come with us sweetie."

"Really?" She asked.

"Yes." I wiped her tears from her cheeks with my thumb and picked her up.

The Hope For Survival (Glenn Rhee) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now