Chapter 98

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Before we start the picture to the side (on computer) or above (on the app) is what Mia now looks like. And guess what! That's my actual baby sister Harper! Isn't she adorable? Haha, now on with the story!

*Emmie's POV*

I woke up the next morning to find everyone awake and by the fire. The first thing I noticed was that my stomach didn't feel right. I shrugged it off and sat down next to mom.

"Hey honey," she said and put an arm around my shoulder. I my face into her side and tried to ignore my stomach ache.

Maybe I'm just hungry. I took the plate of.......well, I don't really know what it is. I'm guessing squirrel. I took a few bites before feeling a grow taste in my throat.

Oh no.

I quickly made an excuse and ran off. I then knelt down and threw up. When the disgusting taste finally left my mouth, I got up and went back to the fire. I only felt a tad better though.

"Hey Em, you want to help me look for a place to stay in for the time being?" Mom asked me.

"We are going to look for daddy and the others......right?" I asked.

"Of course. But we can't do that without a place to stay." I nodded.

"Sure, I'll go with you. Just you and me?" I shaded my eyes from the sun as I looked up at her.

"Just you and me," mom confirmed and grabbed her bag.

*Glenn's POV*

"Glenn we can't stay any longer!" Carol yelled over the walker moans. "I'm sure they made it out, just please come on!"

I looked around the walker infested ASZ once more before turning to leave. We ran down the streets until I heard a cry. My feet skidded to a stop.

"Wait!" I called and Sasha and Carol turned around. I followed the cry behind a house to find Mia in her car seat. I breathed a sigh of relief and picked her up. "It's okay, daddy's here," I said soothingly and got her to stop crying.

"Glenn hurry!" Sasha yelled and shot the surrounding walkers. I held Mia's head on my shoulder and started to run again.

We made it to the gates and took one last look before rushing into the woods.

The Hope For Survival (Glenn Rhee) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now