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"Josh, I need to tell you something." Simon sounded worried.
"Go ahead."
"When your brother gets back I don't think we are going to see each other again." Oh no. This can't happen, Simon has been nothing but nice to me since we met and now I could potentially never see him again.
"What? Why?"
"I told him something and he didn't approve of what it was so we had an argument." I thought about what it could have been that could have caused an argument between the two.
"What did you tell him? I'm nothing like Nathan, I'm not going to judge you."
"Do you promise? Everyone I've told so far hates me for it. People from my old school, my parents and Nathan." Wow, the world is full of some shit people.

"Simon, I promise. There is nothing you could say to me to make me hate you."
"You're already a lot more understanding than anyone else."
"You said it yourself, there is no point in judging someone just because you're different to them."
"I guess... anyway, the thing I wanted to tell you is that I'm gay. Apparently everyone who knows is homosexual." He told the people he loved and cared for his secret and now they treat him like he never meant anything to him.
"So you've lost friends and family because you are slightly different to them. That's terrible, and I want you to know that no matter what happens I'm going to be there with you." It was true, he was the only person who ever liked me for how I was and didn't act like they liked me just because I was their friends brother.

"Thank you Josh, I really don't deserve you."
"Yes you do. You're being treated badly by people who think being gay is wrong but not everyone is the same. There are people out there who love you for who you are, and I'm one of them." I needed to find a way to show Simon that there are people who love him.

so proud of JJ and don't think I've ever been more relieved after he didn't call anybody out

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